Warehouse 97,68

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Warehouse 97,68
--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 08:11, 6 January 2023 (UTC)
a warehouse

Houldenbank [97, 68]

the Wrigley Building Organ Avenue the Ogborn Arms
Colles Street a warehouse Rabbitts Park
the Chicke Building Laurel Drive Parfet Grove

Basic Info:

  • Warehouses can be barricaded normally.

Warehouse 97,68


This warehouse has been designated safe.also a use named Hazmat Vlad has moved in a few months ago and stated his ownership.he alows anyone who follows his rules. -Rule One: No Pking -Rule Two: No Gking -Rule Three: No Cading past Very Strongly Barricaded.

--Hazmat Vlad 17:05, 20 August 2009 (BST)


This warehouse has been designated safe.also a use named Hazmat Vlad has moved in a few months ago and stated his ownership.he alows anyone who follows his rules. -Rule One: No Pking -Rule Two: No Gking -Rule Three: No Cading past Very Strongly Barricaded.Hazmat Vlad's on vacation in a mall for now,so Oddieo and the others will have to keep you company. Hazmat Vlad's on vacation in a mall for now,so Oddieo and the others will have to inform you on the siuation.

Barricade Policy

Should be barricaded to VSB, designated as an entry point

Current Status

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