Jeffries Auto Repair
Jeffries Auto Repair EHB, lit. AndyMatthews (talk) 03:21, 18 October 2024 (UTC)
Jeffries Auto Repair
Dakerstown [1,8]
Basic Info:
Jeffries Auto Repair
Barricade Policy
VSB is preferred but in critical situation we use EHB. --Michael Sleeman 09:38, 24 April 2009 (BST)
Current Status
The barricade is at EHB and there is a generator and a radio transmitter working. All survivors in Darkerstown should be aware that the radio is free for them to use. --Michael Sleeman 09:38, 24 April 2009 (BST)
Right now Michael Sleeman and Irontoe is holding Jeffries Auto Repair together with other survivor in Darkerstown, mostly people from the FUACK. The plan is to use it's strategic location to rebuild Darkerstown. If Sleeman and Irontoe will stay longer and be a more permanent member of the Darkerstowns community is still unclear. --Michael Sleeman 20:36, 21 April 2009 (BST)
Mr Hootington from the Creedy Guerilla Raiders is encouraged to stop his assaults on members from the Communist Party of Malton, this time Michael Sleeman. Darkerstown is in a critical situation and any political disagreement should wait until this suburb has become stabilised. Hopefully the problem can be solved in diplomatic mean. If not, well actions will be made to end the danger of the residents at Jefferys Auto Repair. Mr Hootington should be aware that any journey to Jefferys Auto Repair might risk his health. --Michael Sleeman 10:15, 24 April 2009 (BST)
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