Lukinswood Barricade Plan

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Revision as of 17:08, 23 September 2009 by Lady Clitoria (talk | contribs)
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Any suggestions? Please post them in this section

The goal of this plan is to keep Barricades which allow maximum accessiblilty to resources for low-level survivors. Plans and reality often differ greatly. Please follow the Uniform Barricading Policy guidelines, any modifcations to this should allow access within a secure district.

It doesn't make sense that Club Hill [29, 48] should be an entry point... it's a dark building; it should be a EHB safehouse. Especially when there's another adjacent entry point. --Silisquish 23:46, 14 October 2008 (BST)

Since Coram and the EBS came into play, is there any change in cading? Are either of the marked revive points active? Neither are close to an NT. Sorry, new in Lukinswood, hoping to settle in The Coram Building as a member of CORAM. No one seems to know the best/active RP. --18:06, 23 September 2009 (BST)