Urban Dead players are often called on to produce evidence of events in the game, either of perceived 'criminal' acts, memorable occasions or just really funny events. Rather than using image programs such as MS Paint or Adobe Photoshop to process a copy of the game screen taken by the PrtSc button on their keyboard, many choose to use one of the easier witness systems to take and store their images.
The various witness systems work by taking a copy of the page code and then storing it to their database for later access, with the addition of certain add-ons the witness systems act as a capture process, and editing system and an online storage repository all in one. The ease of use combined with these benefits makes the systems extremely popular to the majority of the metagaming population.
Pros of Witness Systems
Cons of Witness Systems
Iwitness is the original witness system, on which all others were based. Hosted at it was designed by former UD Wiki sysop Seb Wiers back in 2007. Users may choose to make their records 'public' or 'private' at the time of creation, public records can be found by anyone if the database is working or they use logic to work out the url of the record, private records are appended with a random number string and not stored in the database making it nigh impossible to find if you are not the creator or you lose the url. Iwitness has offered other benefits at various times in its existence such as user accounts and a searchable records database, unfortunately the use of these features, as well as the operation of the system itself is plagued by frequent breakages and downtime.
Examples of Iwitness records:
- [ Public Iwitness]
- Private Iwitness
As of January 2010 Iwitness is experiencing another period of downtime. No new records can be made, but old records can still be viewed.
Examples of UDWitness records:
Example of a Dumbwitness record:
Faking Witness Reports
External Links
- Iwitness homepage
- Iwitness FAQ
- Iwitness bookmarklet for public record creationjavascript:d=new%20Date();void(,d));void(wW.document.write(%22<HTML><BODY><FORM%20NAME='wF'%20ACTION=''%20METHOD='POST'><INPUT%20NAME='wP'%20VALUE='PRIVATE'><INPUT%20NAME='wC'%20VALUE='%22+prompt(%22enter%20Iwitness%20comment%20-%20may%20be%20blank%22)+%22'><INPUT%20NAME='wT'%20VALUE='%22+window.document.lastModified+%22'><INPUT%20NAME='wZ'%20VALUE='%22+d.getTimezoneOffset()+%22'><INPUT%20NAME='wV'%20VALUE='23'><TEXTAREA%20NAME='wS'>%22+document.body.innerHTML+%22</TEXTAREA>%22));u=window.location.href.indexOf(;if(12<u&&u<18)wW.document.wF.submit()
- Iwitness bookmarklet for private record creation- Iwitness record database
- UDWitness homepage
- UDWitness bookmarklet for record creation - Records can be designated public or private by a popup box during creation- UDWitness record database
- Dumbwitness homepage
- Dumbwitness bookmarklet for record creation