Dunell Hills Police Department/Policies and Procedures

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DHPD Policies and Procedures
Dunell Hills Police Department Dhpdbanner5.png Dhpdbanner2.png


As the DHPD has expanded, there has been a need for our official policies and procedures be codified so that all personnel can be operating under the same assumptions and directives whilst in the field.

Expanded Manifesto

The Dunell Hills Police Department exists to protect and serve the people of Dunell Hills and the rest of Malton from the zombie threat. To achieve this, we will do all that is within our power to protect the survivors of Malton within our borders, and do our best to keep the zombie threat outside these borders. The fear and tyranny brought forth by the hordes of the undead must be resisted, and we will use all our skill, equipment and experience to do this.

The DHPD motto is "Fac fortia et patere," a latin phrase meaning "Do brave deeds and endure."

Stay Human

The unofficial motto of the DHPD is Stay safe, stay alive.

As a survivor organization, all personnel are encouraged to take all possible actions to get revived in the event that they are killed in the field.


Dunell Hills is the primary home of the DHPD. The DHPD's mission is bring survivors to the suburb, and protect it from the zombie threat.

Membership Requirements

Membership to the Dunell Hills Police Department is open to any and all survivors that are willing to relocate to Dunell Hills or its nearby environs. Operations frequently take officers well out of Dunell Hills, but Dunell Hills is the centre of the DHPD's area.

To join, apply in the Recruitment section of the Forum. As a member of the DHPD, you shall always represent the DHPD in the best possible light and provide assistance whenever possible to civilians and to your fellow officers.

Requirements for Leadership Position

Primary leadership positions in the DHPD are determined by popular vote. Only full officers may vote in such elections.

Other leadership roles are assigned based on experience, activity and character.

Chain of Command

  • Chief
The leader of the DHPD.
  • Assistant Chief
Deputy leader of the DHPD.
  • Captain
Strategic leader and squad coordinator.
  • Squad Leaders
In charge of individual teams.
  • Officers
Members of the DHPD.
  • Recruits
New members of the DHPD.
  • Commissioner Emeritus
This titular position is given to former leaders of the DHPD who have shown commitment to the organization and are, or were, instrumental in the founding of the DHPD. It conveys no powers or responsibilities on the holders and is purely honorary.

Barricading Policy

The DHPD finds it impractical to run a standard barricade policy given the high level of zombie activity in the area and the necessity to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. Although, by default, the DHPD barricades buildings to Extremely Heavily Barricaded, relying on the activities of our enthusiastic zombie brethen to ensure the presence of numerous entry points, we do take care to designate some buildings, during any operation, as VSB only for use as safehouses by new players. These locations can be obtained from the DHPD on request.

All DHPD members are expected to be aware of the designated "VSB only" buildings during an operation and to work to maintain the barricades on those buildings at an appropriate level.

Tagging Policy

Officers should consider the following guidelines when using a spray can:

  • Tag the area to direct wandering survivors to safety.
  • Do not paint over DHPD tags, except with new DHPD tags.
  • If you see a DHPD tag that has been painted over, replace it.
  • Tags outside the hallowed walls of Dunell Hills suburb; don't be inconsiderate and write over others people tags if their tags are for real.
  • Otherwise, by all means write over "the zombies are ownzed" with something meaningful and helpful.


The DHPD's area of operation is referred to as the Dunell Military Zone, or DMZ. It consists of the following suburbs:

The DHPD does not claim 'possession' of these areas, but endeavours to patrol it.

Mergers and Acquisitions

This section is to outline how the DHPD will handle connections with entire groups that go beyond the basic or extensive alliance.

For any of the following actions, there must be a majority consensus among DHPD officers via forum polling.

  • Joining a multi-group Alliance
  • Merging into a Malton-wide organization
  • Subsuming another group

DHPD Stances

Player Killing (PKing)

The DHPD considers PKing to be a violation of its Criminal Code. Individuals who are observed PKing may be warranted by the DHPD.

Note that the DHPD Most Wanted is an internal list. Third party reports are not accepted. The DHPD does not condone or take responsibility for non-members who take actions based on the list.

DHPD officers are not permitted to kill survivors unless the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The subject has a current warrant on the DHPD Most Wanted for a valid criminal code violation.
  • The subject was witnessed committed a clear violation of the Criminal Code, and immediate action was required by the officer to prevent the subject escaping. The officer shall capture evidence which will be scrutinised by the appropriate DHPD personnel.

Warrant executions must be performed as per the correct procedures on the DHPD forum.

Zerging and Alts

The DHPD permits members to have only one character in the DHPD.

Alternate characters ('alts') of members must remain outside the DMZ. Interaction between these characters is not permitted.

Alts within allied and enemy groups are permitted, provided they remain outside the DMZ. Alts shall not be extensions of the DHPD to enforce/execute DHPD policies outside our area. We are prepared to consider players having an alt with a group that maintains a significant presence within the DMZ and allowing that alt into the DMZ as part of that other group's operations. However these will be considered on a case-by-case basis and our agreement will depend heavily on how often the DHPD is likely to be operating within a suburb of the other group, guarantees that the two alts will never be within a suburb of each other, and how closely allied the two groups are. As a general rule such an alt will only be allowed in a group that operates primarily on the fringes of the DMZ and which does not coordinate with the DHPD.

Alts are not subject to the same policies, procedures, or protections as DHPD members. However alts are expected to respect rules set out by Kevan Davis concerning collaboration between characters. We consider this to be a player, not a character, issue.

We do not like to interfere with the internal running of allied groups and are, in general, happy to be allied to any pro-survivor group that does not, itself, indulge in zerging. However, where a group contains a player (note we are here interested in player, not character, behaviour) who indulges in blatant zerging and promotes and supports other zergers we reserve the right to limit and, if necessary, terminate the alliance if this is drawn to our attention. Such players are not welcome as liaisons to our forums.

Members shall refrain from sharing information gained from their membership in outside groups. Likewise, sensitive information on DHPD activities shall not be shared with other organisations.

Shared-Use Characters

The DHPD previously used shared characters ('Desk Sergeants') for the purpose of training new members.

This practice is no longer considered appropriate, and is now prohibited with the DHPD.

Zombie Spying

The DHPD does not warrant or take action against survivors for activities considered to be 'spying' for zombie groups, provided no violation of Criminal Code takes place.

Offensive Language

The DHPD does not tolerate the use of offensive racist, sexist (or any other -ist) language. We will not recruit anyone with such language in their character name, forum name, group affiliation or profile. We will not ally with anyone with such language in their character name, forum name, group affiliation or profile. We will not hold talks with anyone with such language in their character name, forum name, group affiliation or profile.

We quite enjoy it when our enemies drop by and talk to us. But we aren't interested in playing with people who feel the need to be blatantly unpleasant and hurtful to real people who are playing the game.


Conndraka (UD Character, Khannoir) is a former Commissioner General of the Dunell Hills Police Department. He was fundamental in building up the department as it exists today and was awarded the title, Commissioner Emeritus, in recognition of this fact.

However, Conndraka no longer operates at the direction of the Dunell Hills Police Department, nor does he in any way influence our decision making process or represent the department's opinions and intentions. We are happy for Khannoir to continue wearing the Dunell Hills Police Department tags for as long as he so wishes, in recognition of past service. But to all other intents and purpose the Dunell Hills Police Department considers Khannoir to be just another resident of Malton and not a departmental Officer.

Complaint Resolution

The first step in resolving a conflict is to address the issue with the other individual(s) involved. If this fails, please bring the matter to our attention at the DHPD Forum.

Wiki Policy

Only members of the DHPD may edit DHPD pages, with certain areas only to be edited by nominated people (these are marked). In the event of a dispute over edits, either the current Chief or Purple Cat are authorised to make a final decision. Purple Cat also acts as the DHPD's official representative to the wiki and should be contacted in the first instance should a dispute or similar arise that involves the department.

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