User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Ross

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Ross - Level 14 Civilian
Class: Civilian
Level: 14
XP: 8843
Joined: Since the beginning
Spooky ShartakAd.jpg
The very first survivor you've found who isn't an axe murderer or otherwise insane. He seems to be about 6 feet tall, and is remarkably well-kept, for a man who has survived so long in a zombie apocalypse. From his wear, you can guess that he was once a police officer, but you're not sure, as he could have found it.

Wearing: a white short-sleeved shirt, a police jacket, a pair of blue jeans and a scraped and blood-soaked pair of dark green trainers.

Group: Caiger Mall dweller
Skills: Construction (Is able to build barricades, repair machinery and restore ruined buildings.)
Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
Body Building (Has a maximum of 60 Hit Points instead of 50.)
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Has basic fighting skills.)
º Knife Combat (Is competent with a knife.)
º Fist Combat (Can fight competently with his fists.)
Martial Expertise (Is adept with use of his feet and hands in physical combat.)
Basic Firearms Training (Can use a gun.)
º General Firearm Expertise (Knows how to use many types of firearms effectively.)
First Aid (Can heal other survivors, himself and knows CPR.)
Zombie Killing (Knows how to dispatch one, and even two zombies, reasonably well.)
º Zombie Butchering (Can take out an entire group of zombies by his lonesome.)
Zombie Massacring (Can survive encounters with a large group of zombies, and even take down some of the extra-mutated types.)
Apocalypse Knowledge (Has quite the experience dealing with zombies, and knows to avoid most costly decisions.)
User:A Helpful Little Gnome