User talk:Luke Leimer

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Check me out through Common Survival.

Else, Go away.

Old Arkham.

Are you still at old arkham? --Robert Egleton 00:00, 11 June 2009 (BST)

Yes and no, I troll around Spicer/Lockettside area, Though I venture into Arkham from time to time. Sorry that it took me forever to answer. Long hiatus over summer. Decided to start from scratch again to fight as the common man. Look for me as Jon Aiken (id=1585403).

-Luke Leimer 00:31, 26 November 2009 (UTC)

Guide:Dealing_with_People and Guide:Deaing_with_People

I noticed that you have set up the same article twice under different names. Do you want to get rid of the wrong one? -- Spiderzed 20:26, 12 October 2010 (BST)

Even though you did call me a griefer (Grr! Argh! *shaking fist*), I'll be able to eat the misspelt one if you'd like. Confirm here or on A/SD and it's an easy job. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 20:31, 12 October 2010 (BST)
Ah... I've already gone ahead and nominated it. ~~ Chief Seagull ~~ talk 09:24, 13 October 2010 (BST)
Nominated it for what? Jon Aiken RSZ ! 16:23, 13 October 2010 (BST)