Coming soon
Group page development
Seeing as this is a sole endeavor of myself and given that what i know about making entries in a wiki you could fit in a matchbox, my entries may take a while to finish (Also it's Christmas!). I just hope I finish this before the people in my group lose interest in the game! though I think that wont be but for a while yet! Thanks to the moderators for pointing out the sub-page thingy, I rearranged it and its in a more logical order than before.
Some notes on what i've done so far: the N1 is supposed to be a master page for the 9 groups assigned to "Nine Hells". Currently Tiamat is the only existing one but im hoping later on when another group of people want to form something similar, they will opt to link to the N1 page and claim a level as their own (thinking way ahead when another batch of people from are area choose to play the game or something).
Character Profile
Will likely contain pics which i don't know yet how to post!for now i'll concentrate on the group pages first!