Fox Unit

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Founded in 1960's by Major Zero. This squad protects any resident in their respective area.

FOX Unit (Force Operation X)
Foxlogo (1).jpg
Abbreviation: FOX
Group Numbers: 102
Leadership: Major Zero, Lawliet Yraola, Matthew Pa
Goals: Search and Destroy
Recruitment Policy: We look after our own
Contact: User:Lawliet Yraola

FOX Unit is the last World War II CIA Sector still active. Its members are stationed in Roachtown, Ketchelbank, Huntley Heights and Eastonwood. It is a group of elite military personnel and other civillians . This unit seeks a secure and resourceful base of operation. It's leader are Major Zero, Lawliet and Matthew Pa.

History of the Leaders

Major Zero- was once the famous leader of FOX Unit. After FOX was disbanded he became a firefighter. Before the outbreak Major Zero joined a group of volunteers for the military. After the outbreak Major Zero was jailed for failing to quarantine Los Angeles, when he escaped he regrouped the FOX Unit. He then went to Malton. He and the group searched the whole town and met Lawliet and Matthew, where he enlisted them as leaders of the group.

Lawliet- the once boastful and energetic apprentice of the deceased member of the Cobra The End is a gifted sniper, an accurate gun fighter and a agile melee fighter. Ever since his master died Lawliet took the The End as his own name and changed his ways. He became a calm and humble and even a God-fearing person. He invested a huge amount of money to a church. Before the outbreak, Lawliet was a Phil-American military unit who was sent by the Phil. Government to South Korea and is stationed in the border. He is a member of the Yraola Clan a famous clan in some parts of the Phil. After the outbreak, Lawliet was sent to Japan to quarantine Tokyo, after an explosion Lawliet was left by his squadron. Feeling abandoned Lawliet finished what his squad started. He marched on every corner in Tokyo and eradicated huge hordes of Zombies. After that he went to Malton to quarantine the area. After following a track of dead bodies, he met Matthew. One thing notable to Lawliet after a battle, he puts a Cross to the people or in this case, zombies he killed and prays for them.

Matthew Pa- Matthew Pa was a Japanese soldier returning from his fourth tour of duty from Iraq. He led his men through several tight situations and received several awards including the Congressional Medal of Honour. After all hell broke lose, the regiment he was assigned to was slaughtered and only a few of them escaped. He drove his humvee straight to Malton to pick up his family only to find their pieces jammed on their front door. At that moment something snapped inside Matthew and he grabbed his rifle and started shooting every zombie son of a bitch that he saw. It seemed that there was no hope for him...until he met a man named Lawliet. An interesting fact about him though, he collects the ears of the freaks he killed

The FOX Unit's Creed:

I.We look after are own

II. If they slow us down, leave them

III. Fight with what you have

IV. Kill or Die

V. Killing one will save thousands

VI. We fight for ourselves and die for others

VII. The moment you close your eyes on the battlefield is the moment you never open them again.

VIII. Die as one but save a dozen

IX. Die well, Live Free

X. A name means nothing on the battlefield. After a week, no one has a name

XI. One must die, and one must live

XII. Death is tragic but life is miserable

XIII. Use superior force of arms to achieve superior force of will