Talk:Fox Unit
To all FOX Agents we will be moving to Crowbank and set it as our main base of operation. The transfer will occur on March 02,2011. It is unsure if other members have secured a safehouse in said location. So be on guard as you move in Crowbank. " L " Switch to Havercroft. --The End" L "
Any reports of missing members pls. it in the talk page. Anyone who wants to be a leader. Post your name. Privilages of being a leader is, you will be able to control and command and make your sub group. Your responsibilities are to report every week to the main base. If an attack occurs you will lead your group to battle. You will be responsible for any casualty. If the KORA squad finds any good weapons you will receive it in the main base. Major Zero and " L "
All FOX Members report to Cosway Building....this is an order from Major Zero... --Major Zero 0
Alright Zero, I'll stop the assault if you disband FOX once again and join my group. Also you will keep hunting the KORA... You have until March 30 to decide. --The Spaniard
New Group?
I have some unsolicited advice for you here, if you're a new group and you would like some help starting out. Enjoy.--Penguinpyro 01:14, 12 March 2011 (UTC)
Greetings from ЯHR
Hi there! I'm Griff, of the Richmond Hills Regulars. I noticed on the Richmond Hills page that you're now active in the suburb. Haven't seen any of you around, but figured I'd be friendly all the same. Welcome to the neighborhood! --Griff 20:12, 23 March 2011 (UTC)
Mostly because we were wiped out of Richmond Hills....we are planning to go back there since we have a price on our heads in Roachtown.... --Cross 10:01, 01 April 2011 (UTC)
recruiting information My name is That One Hero My location is west grayside auto repair shop im am currently lvl two but paln on working through the ranks and later become known for end this great war with the zombies i know right now i am not much use but being persistant ad patient i will live through out this hard time...and with your help...we will end this war
Mr.That One Hero...unfortunately...all current members of FOX Unit are either inactive or most of the leaders are no longer active...if you may we want to make you a leader of FOX Unit...we will await your response....
New Leadership since all member of FOX are currently inactive....we have made a decision...that someone new must take the status as leaders...if you want to be a leader...please type you name below this section.....and further more only one of the old leaders will stay active...the new ones must always respect the old one....
- I am Mr Watt. I will serve as leader of FOX.
Members of FOX, you are as of now to PK all civilians!! You will bring down a reign of terror wherever you may be in this god foresaken city. These are the orders of your new Overlord and supreme commander!! --Mr Watt 06:01, 12 January 2012 (UTC)
Great Suburb Group Massacre 2013
I'm a volunteer helping to do some janitorial work on the suburb pages of the wiki. As part of that, we're double-checking in which suburbs each group is active. Currently, you're listed in one or more suburbs, in addition to using a radio frequency. If you would like to continue being listed, then please respond within the next month with the radio frequency you are using and a list of every suburb where you are currently active. If we don't hear back from you or we can't get the information we need, we'll be removing you from the lists, but you're welcome to re-add yourself later. If you have any questions, feel free to visit our informational page. Thanks. --
FoD PK Praise Rando!08:42, 24 October 2013 (BST)