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Jackson Proper

The Malton Suburb of Jackson Proper
Scout Fire Station Jade Court Honey Axe Lane Red Beaver Run Nails N Screws Apple Crest Apartments Grizzly Way Jackson High School Grizzly Football Stadium woodland
Jackson Elementary Gardens Jackson Elementary Park Crystal Corner Hobby Village Grimview Church Cemetery Yellow Butterfly Edge Grizzly Way Jackson High School Grizzly Baseball Diamond woodland
Jackson Elementary School Jackson Elementary School Jackson Library Eclipse Grimview Church Blue River Bend Grizzly Way Kubrick Memorial Theater Grizzly Agricultural Farm clearing
Grizzly Way Grizzly Way Grizzly Way Grizzly Way Intersection Grizzly Way Grizzly Way Ferris Trail Ferris Trail Ferris Trail
Jackson River Jackson River Jackson River Jackson River Grant Bridge Jackson River Jackson River Jackson River Jackson River Jackson River
Wagon Way Silver Terrace Dove Court Deans's BBQ Pit Trout Way McGuire Statue Zephyr Bed 'n Breakfast Stony Bar Stony Bar Boathouse field
Cedar Street Intersection Cedar Street Cedar Street Intersection Cedar Street Cedar Street Intersection Cedar Street Cedar Street
Caribou Lodge Bargain Street Ballad Townhouses Unemplementia Post Office Trout Way Jackson Historic Museum Jackson Town Hall Aspen Street Sheridan Fountains woodland
Anderson Law Bargain Street Shepherd Memorial Hospital The Dewberry Building Trout Way Lucky X Lanes Davidson County Sherrif Aspen Street The Camden Building woodland
Gold Way Intersection Shepherd Memorial Hospital Diamond In the Rough Jewelery Trout Way Mountain View Insurance Davidson County Sherrif Aspen Street Tostadas woodland


Jade Court, Honey Axe Lane, Red Beaver Run, Crystal Corner, Misty Nook, Yellow Butterfly Edge, Blue River Bend, Wagon Way, Silver Terrace, and Dove Court are all middleclass suburban streets. Baseball bats, fuel cans, lengths of pipe, and newspapers can be found here.
Nails N Screws is a hardware store, the same kind you'd typically find inside a mall.
Jackson Elementery Gardens is just a school flower garden.
Hobby Village, for all purposes is a mall, but it's more like a building that caters to multiple hobbies.
Grimview Cemetery is a revivew point.
Eclipse is a club, but is to be treated as a gym.
Kubrick Memorial Theater has lootable costumes and masks.
Grizzly Agricultural Farm has livestock, vegetable gardens, and fruit orchards (all unusable at the time).
Ferris Trail is just a winding dirt trail, peppered with drinking fountains, benches, etc.
Jackson River cannot be crossed. If attempted, the message; "The river is too deep and strong to cross here." is displayed and no AP is wasted.
Dean's BBQ Pit has beer, wine, mobile phones, newspapers, and very rarely shotguns.
McGuire Statue is a revivification point and can be spraypainted for 2xp.
Zephyre BnB is a small-scale hotel and has various clothes, newspapers, and wine but doesn't allow suicide or binocular usage.
Stony Bar is a sandy stretch of ground a;png the river and has very slim chances of finding wine, beer, mobile phones, or newspapers.
Stony Bar Boathouse is a wooden boathouse along the river and has flare guns.
Unemplementia Post Office has nothing of use except mail.
Jackson Historic Museum has various art, clothes, books, and wine.
Jackson Town Hall allows binocular usage and has the suburb radio tower.
Sheridan Fountains is taggable for 2xp.
Anderson Law has nothing of use. Just for flavor.
Lucky X Lanes is a bowling alley, but serves no real purpose.
Diamond in the Rough Jewelery has wearable jewelry.
Tostadas is a pub, but is really a Mexican restaurant.

Downtown Jackson

The Malton Suburb of Downtown Jackson
empty lot Bargain Street The Jackson Herald The Kennedy Building Trout Way Ole Brick Oven Bank of Unemplementia Aspen Street Construction Site woodland
Bank Street Intersection Bank Street Bank Street Intersection Bank Street Bank Street Intersection Construction Site woodland
Mockingbird Park Bargain Street The Rob Zed Building (NT) The Fargo Building Ironhide Fire Station The Cognac Building 1869 Aspen Street Blue Bottle Brewery woodland
Jackson Farmers Market Bargain Street Rebellion a parking lot The Cleary Building Routers 'R Us Quick Aid Aspen Street a parking lot a field
Jackson Farmers Market Intersection Cleary Lane Intersection Cleary Lane Cleary Lane Cleary Lane Intersection Devant Park a field
Jackson Farmers Market Bargain Street Hermione Fountains The Albus Building Country Dance Hall Almost New Bookstore Teenybopper Diner Aspen Street Starlight Drive-In Concessions a field
Patriot Lane Intersection Patriot Lane Intersection Patriot Lane Patriot Lane Starlight Cinema Aspen Street Starlight Drive-In a field
Lincoln Line Crossing Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Bob's Gas Patriot Lane Patriot Lane Intersection a field a field
Earthen End a field a field Lincoln Line a warehouse Patriot Lane Fort Miranda Recruitment Center Aspen Street Wallflower Apartments woodland
Earthen End woodland woodland Lincoln Line Freight Depot Fort Miranda Army Surplus Fort Miranda Reserves Aspen Street Wallflower Apartments Stone End


The Jackson Herald is the town newspaper, but since plain buildings don't have newspapers, this is purely for fluff.
Ole Brick Oven is a pub, but is to be treated as a pizza restaurant. It has beer, wine, mobile phones, newspapers, and very rarely shotguns.
Construction sites are just empty wastelands with construction machinery and tools.
The Rob Zed Building is the town Necrotech institution. It also has the suburb radio tower and allows binocular usage.
Blue Bottle Brewery is just that, a brewery.
Jackson Farmers Market is just a large chunk of wasteland that would be otherwise used as an open-air bazaar.
Rebellion is the gothic/punk shop that is usually found inside a mall. It also has kilts.
Routers 'R Us is the technology store that is usually found inside a mall.
Quick Aid is a pharmacy and has seasonal items in addition to med kits, wine, newspapers, etc.
The Hermione Fountains are taggable for 2xp.
Country Dance Hall is just a country-themed club. Think Roundhouse.
Teenybopper Diner is a 1950's/60's themed diner.
Starlight Drive-In Concessions is the food vendor for the drive-in theater. It has wine, beer, candy, and popcorn (to be included).
Starlight Drive-In is an outdoor, drive-in movie theater. It would be a carpark, but carparks don't have movie screens.
Bob's Gas has petrol, candy, and tools.
Fort Miranda Recruitment Center is the Jackson recruiting and communications office to Fort Miranda in New Town. It's pure business and doesn't have weapons.
The location at #91 is a roadway through the forest.
Freight Depot is just a warehouse.
Fort Miranda Army Surplus is a army surplus store and has old army fatigues. Nothing else.
Fort Miranda Reserves is a small army reserves barracks. It has low search rates for guns and body armor.

South Jackson

The Malton Suburb of South Jackson
Earthen End woodland woodland Lincoln Line Lincoln Line a field a field Aspen Street Wallflower Apartments woodland
Earthen End Jackson Recycling Plant Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Davidson County Water Treatment Plant Davidson County Water Treatment Plant Aspen Street Wallflower Apartments Garage woodland
Earthen End Freight Depot Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Davidson County Water Treatment Plant Davidson County Water Treatment Plant Aspen Street Wallflower Apartments Garage woodland
Earthen End McKinley Pottery Factory Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Home Station Home Station the Phelmer Statue Aspen Street Wallflower Apartments woodland
Intersection Intersection Granite Way Lincoln Line Crossing Granite Way Granite Way Granite Way Intersection Krakauer Park woodland
Hudson Rock Quarry Stone Road Granite Way Fire Station Lincoln Line a field TravelLine Auto Shop TravelLine Gas Station Aspen Street a field woodland
Hudson Iron Mine Stone Road Freight Depot Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Lincoln Line Crossing Lincoln Line Lincoln Line
Shepherd Site Hospital Stone Road Smith Iron Mill Lincoln Line Freight Depot Rail Yard Offices Steel Pick Bar Aspen Street a field woodland
clearing Stone Road Freight Depot Lincoln Line a warehouse Office End Office End Intersection a field woodland
woodland Stone Road Smith Steel Mill Lincoln Line a field a field the Williams Statue Aspen Street a field woodland


Jackson Recycling Plant, McKinley Pottery Factory, Smith Iron Mill, and Smith Steel Mill are just standard factories.
Davidson County Water Treatment Plant is, for all reasons, a power station, but it's just water treatment plant. Standard search rates apply.
Freight Depots are just warehouses.
Wallflower Apartments Garage is just a standard parking garage of cars. Not much can be found.
Home Station is the equilivent to the modern-day Home Deport or Lowe's. Tools, generators, etc.
The Phelmer Statue can be tagged for 2xp.
Hudson Rock Quarry and Iron Mine are wastelands filled with machinery, mine carts, tools, dynamite, etc.
Rail Yard Offices is the freight yard management center building. It doesn't have much in the way of useful.
Steel Pick Bar is a pub.
The Williams Statue can be tagged for 2xp.

Images to be Used

Template Workbench

Template:Water Station
Template:Railway Crossing1
Template:Railway Crossing2
Template:Railway Turntable
Template:Alternative Apparel Store
Template:Jewelery Store
Template:Book Store
Template:Gun Store
Template:Hardware Store
Template:Liquor Store
Template:Sports Store
Template:Tech Store
Template:Antique Store
Template:Construction Zone


Construction Zone

Demo Block1 [1, 2]

Water Station RailwayA RailwayB
RailwayC Construction Zone RailwayD
Railway Crossing1 Railway Crossing2 Railway Turntable

Basic Info:

Template:Info Construction Zone
Hardware Store

Demo Block2 [3, 4]

Alternative Apparel Store Jewelery Store Book Store
Gun Store Hardware Store Liquor Store
Sports Store Tech Store Antique Store

Basic Info:

Template:Info Hardware Store

Temporary Stuff

Radio Frequency Temp Page