Fields are found in varying coordinates and varying sizes in both Monroeville and Borehamwood. In Monroeville, they cover 25.8% of game's map. In Borehamwood, fields also cover a large portion of the map. Both Monroeville and Borehamwood have suburbs which consist predominately of fields. In Monroeville, it is the Outside the City area which is dominated by fields. In Borehamwood, the Countryside regions are nearly entirely fields.
Some of the fields have been seen with tyre tracks.
Heavy tyre tracks cut through the wet grass.
It is rumored that these tracks are from the military trucks that were used to set up the razor wire fences.
Fields are seen in 3 different tones of green on game's minimap. Tyre tracks appear independently from the "tone" of the fields.
a field | a field | a field |
Items Found
- Mobile Phone
- Book
- Bottle of Wine
- Flak Jacket
- Shotgun Shell
- Pistol Clip
- Pistol
- Newspaper
- First-Aid Kit
- Radio