User:Bob Moncrief

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Bob Moncrief in UrbanDead

Currently: I got killed. And on Christmas too!

When a Survivor

Bob Moncrief is a thirtysomething survivor originally from Chudleyton, looking as though he wants nothing more than a long nap. He currently resides in Dandison Auto Repair, and is active in Darvall Heights and parts of surrounding suburbs. His main job is refueling generators and updating building statuses, but he also is not averse to giving a FAK or revive once in a while. He is not aligned with any group, although he often ends up working with the Soldiers of Crossman, who, he is glad, are defending the area from the zombie hordes.

Bob Moncrief
Joined: 11-21-2011
Character class: Civilian
Favorite equipment: Axe and fuel can
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: None
Character stats:
Journal: "No journal" for Bob Moncrief
Darvall Heights Defender
This user is defending Darvall Heights from the zombie masses. He's pretty prepared.
Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is his axe.
Fireaxe-large.jpg Decollation
This user carries around an axe for chopping off one's head.
SoC logo.jpg Soldiers of Crossman
Bob Moncrief is a friend to the Soldiers of Crossman.
Visited Caiger Mall
This user has visited Caiger Mall.
This user speaks Ancient Sumerian at a semi-fluent level.
Bob Moncrief is a Taoist.
Crayons.jpg Colors
This user's favorite color is lavender.
This user is a member of the Green Party.
Extravaganza.jpg Being Alive
Bob is glad to be alive.

When a Zombie

Bob Moncrief is a zombie. He enjoys typical zombie activities like eating brains. This should not be a surprise to you.

Extravaganza.jpg Being Dead
Bob is glad to be dead.
Tri-nature-template-logo.jpg Tri-Nature User
This user is not just dual-nature, but tri-nature!

Bob Moncrief on UDWiki

On the Wiki, Bob has worked on several projects, including helping to fill out Project Timeline. He has created a pseudo-timeline for events occurring before the zombie outbreak, which can be found at User:Bob Moncrief/Timeline. He worked on the elimination of Good Articles and revitalization of Featured Articles in mid-2012. He also updates danger reports for buildings in greater Darvall Heights, plus EMRPs and Danger Levels throughout the city.

Subpages: Pre-2005 Timeline, This Month storage, Sandbox, Sumerian Index

To Do

  1. Get GSGM 2013 pre-planned
  2. Figure out Project Welcome, Project Mentor, Project Atmosphere, Project Wiki Patrol revamp
  3. Locate more information for UDWiki:Project Timeline, especially 2012 information
  4. Work on suggestions (see User:Bob Moncrief/Sandbox)
  5. We'll see...
Bob Moncrief
Joined: 1-12-2012
Character class: WikiGnome
Favorite equipment: Keyboard and patience
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: None
Character stats: User Contributions
Journal: "No journal" for Bob Moncrief
Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is his keyboard.
Firefox.png Firefox User
Bob uses Firefox.