St. Helena's Hospital (Roachtown)
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St. Helena's Hospital |
St. Helena's Hospital
Roachtown [57,30]
Basic Info:
St. Helena's Hospital is one of the two hospital in the suburb of Roachtown. The other hospital in Roachtown is Cyril General Hospital. First aid kits and Newspapers can be found in St. Helena's Hospital. Tagging the Hospital earns no XP.
St. Helena's Hospital is found in the northwest corner of Roachtown at coordinates 57,30. Just north of the hospital is the suburb of Shearbank.
Barricade Recommendation
Very Strongly Barricaded per the Roachtown Defense Plan which is largely Uniform Barricading Policy compliant which suggests hospitals be entry points.
This page, St. Helena's Hospital (Roachtown), is a locations stub. Please help us to improve the wiki by contributing to this page. Be sure the following information is added to the page: coordinates, suburb, 9 block map (or 16 block map for large buildings), description, barricading policy, and history. Please refer to the Location Style Guide. |