Malton XP Leaderboard

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 00:56, 27 February 2020 by Herb Dangerous (talk | contribs)
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This page lists the top fifty Urban Dead players in Malton, sorted in descending order by experience points. There is no built-in mechanism to generate this list from the Urban Dead Statistics Page, and its original creator has abandoned it, so it's been adopted by Dangerous/ Herb Dangerous.


Position XP Name Class Level Group Deaths Joined
1 273356 Zuma Zombie 25 none 2341 2005-08-14 04:37:45
2 247738 Rheinhold Scientist 23 none 2005-11-19 16:33:46
3 234862 SuperGeko Zombie 42 none 2144 2005-09-28 00:36:03
4 205234 A Stinking Corpse Zombie 45 none 1287 2005-12-28 14:51:48
5 194194 The Unknown Zombie Zombie 45 International Society for Ghr!zhna Consciousness 1389 2005-12-27 18:00:37
6 172323 Invisible Potato Zombie 45 LUE 1299 2007-06-24 21:32:17
7 155324 Herb Dangerous Civilian 42 Oznog Chemical Research 671 2005-10-04 01:51:29
8 150422 gridflay Scientist 42 none 175 2005-09-06 23:34:02
9 145866 Miss Elainious Civilian 43 The Fortress 2007-05-30 01:07:14
10 138316 Murry Katzenbaum Civilian 43 none 2005-11-28 03:14:11
11 135957 fiduch Civilian 43 pancakes! 2007-01-07 23:13:08
12 135606 uuuuuuhhhhhhh Zombie 21 Undeadites 395 2007-04-18 02:48:33
13 131355 Liche Zombie 22 Militant Order of Barhah 1377 2005-10-04 16:20:17
14 128976 Bob Harrison III Zombie 45 Horde of One 1726 2008-03-28 16:27:51
15 128214 Pyroclastic Flow Scientist 33 none 2007-03-14 21:52:27
16 121503 Sickboxx Zombie 45 none 938 2007-03-22 15:48:23
17 114226 josh121234 Military 43 ECCU 2006-01-19 15:04:14
18 113496 vadibandi Scientist 26 NY Giants Fan Club 78 2006-08-05 19:09:34
19 110031 tankedfish Scientist 43 ECCU 2006-05-09 20:34:39
20 106236 Shambling Cutie Zombie 44 none 1390 2006-06-13 00:59:20
21 105842 Inara Serra Civilian 40 12321 2007-03-03 00:36:43
22 100000 Her0d Zombie 45 none 2077 2006-08-04 11:01:10
23 88658 Afghan Detainee Military 43 none 94 2007-02-20 22:57:09
24 87801 grogh Zombie 45 Militant Order of Barhah 1673 2005-09-28 04:30:49
25 87603 Adele Zombie 44 GMT Breakfast Club 1643 2005-09-08 01:36:51
26 87220 Experiment211 Zombie 22 none 919 2005-12-26 19:06:02
27 85131 Magnamanus Civilian 45 Vril Society 2005-08-09 15:32:05
28 79714 The Soul of Wit Civilian 42 none 92 2007-03-21 06:51:46
29 77900 BrevityIsThSoulofWit Civilian 42 12321 2007-03-21 05:14:16
30 77552 Joe Fabulous Zombie 45 Undeadites 1163 2006-04-11 00:39:49
31 76340 I 3 BRAANZ Zombie 45 none 750 2006-05-11 17:51:50
32 75459 Derrial Book Civilian 42 none 224 2006-08-22 19:32:28
33 74711 Punisher206 Military 42 Tactical Strike Force 104 2006-06-30 12:45:17
34 73984 Nelsinho Goulding Military 43 7 Goulding 2007-09-19 18:26:56
35 72670 drodro3 Zombie 44 none 983 2006-03-18 17:38:22
36 72039 Are You Kidding Me Military 33 none 64 2007-06-05 08:01:38
37 70870 brian quisling Zombie 22 none 799 2006-09-29 02:25:35
38 66914 Ploqed Zombie 43 PLiKiTyPLOQ 570 2005-12-02 02:47:37
39 67640 Dick Johansonson Zombie 45 Ridleybank Resistance Front 1105 2005-10-25 03:23:55
40 62892 drodro5 Zombie 42 none 1203 2006-09-01 00:18:00
41 55594 ZombieAuthor Civilian 41 Cator Museum Crew 2006-05-29 01:05:42


XP Name Class Level Group Deaths Joined
151613 Gronko Bigchin Scientist 43 Caiger Mall Survivors 2005-08-02 14:56:08
104486 DJ Deadbeat Zombie 45 Militant Order of Barhah 663 2007-04-09 07:33:17
103564 Nunyah Civilian 41 Dead Animals 759 2005-11-22 15:09:32
101301 Sammy Sweetmeat Zombie 45 Minions of the Apocalypse 1041 2005-12-26 03:18:17
98682 Kalyar Civilian 43 Devourers of Vile-Tis 178 2005-10-23 06:03:18
90820 subupelle Military 41 Kill them all! 204 2006-03-07 02:03:04
76896 dmbrummwtt Civilian 31 none 76 2005-11-02 16:36:47
74099 DanB3 Civilian 35 none 2006-01-15 05:41:13
74057 DanB2 Civilian 41 Group? I am the group! 75 2006-01-13 18:02:45
66666 Arthur Cottle Military 41 Retired 2005-09-24 14:30:39
65665 Lazarius Zombie 22 Malton Telephone 74 2005-08-03 23:53:20


Whenever he feels like it, Herb Dangerous updates this list. Players whose XP haven't increased are moved to the Inactive list.


|| position
|| experience points
|| [profile link <span style="color:#BBCCBB;">player name</span>]
|| class
|| level
|| group
|| deaths
|| join date


  • Numbering is not automatic. It takes a lot of tedious copying and pasting, typing, and counting on my fingers and toes.

See Also