We're a group based heavily on killing. It just adds an extra layer to a game that tends to be incredibly satisfying - particularly when you're killing trenchie idiots.. We're violence activists, and by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, we're sticking to it. =D
We shoot and stab, and try to spread the message of enmity (we don't really care who listens). We try to be as unhelpful as we can to other players to make the experience miserable for all parties involved, because we simply enjoy harassing people. Although we generally try to keep Lockettside in a shocked, terror-stricken state, we do not get involved with anything except our own petty and selfish aims, though we do try to foment as many survivor-survivor conflicts as we can. A New Valkyrie has to be the type of person that can PK over and over and keep lists of enemies, rearm quickly, and still be willing to hunt any player that needs it. Having a developed character backstory and a love for killing Zoomy Orimoto and the original Valks helps too! ^-^