(Picture above taken from the St. Lucianus's Hospital (US) newsletter, under the Completed Internships column, around late June of 2007)
Vital Stats
Given Name: Swift, Allison A.
Date of Birth: June 26th, 1982
Age: 26
Height: 5'5 ft. (166.4 cm)
Blood Type: B+
Hair Color: Brown/Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Former Occupation: Physician (Specialty: Cardiology)
Current Occupation: Academy Commandant and Malton Emergency Medical Service Consultant
Allison Swift was born to an affluent family in the city of Malton, England. The Swift family took up residence in the suburb of Gibsonton, more specifically on Bray Boulevard. Dr. Kathleen Swift, a full-blooded Irish immunologist, could walk one block to her workplace at St. Aiden's Hospital whilst Joseph Swift took the family's only car to his workplace at the Patterson Necrotech office. His team was busy working on a project related to the one that would ultimately cause the outbreak in Malton. The Swift family was a large one, comprised of Joseph, Kathleen, Allison, the twins Braelyn and Breaga, and later a little boy named Claymore. Life for the Swifts was perfect before the outbreak occurred.
As Allison grew older, she did not know what she was going to do with the rest of her life. She had not taken any interest in relationships, as she was too busy with her studies and watching her younger siblings and frankly, she didn't feel like she knew how to handle a relationship. Nothing really moved her... before her father's heart attack that is. Joseph soon recovered from it and was ordered to cut down on his cholesterol intake. From then on, the study of the human heart was what intrigued Allison and drove her to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a doctor. Her parents were elated until she began to pester her father about staying healthy. Needless to say, Joseph wasn't very pleased about that part of her new interest. By the age of 12, she knew the parts and functions of a human heart like the back of her hand and set out on excelling in her schoolwork.
One night as Joseph was driving home, his car had broken down and he decided to walk the rest of the way home. A small group of armed anti-Necrotechs swarmed him and bludgeoned him to death, blaming him for the corruption of the Necrotech corporation and the rumors of its newest breakthrough: a virus which could potentially be used for war. Joseph had not been working on that project; he was busy testing revival serums on deceased lab rats before his untimely death. Kathleen's older sister and her son Magnus had moved in with the Swifts after that, offering some sort of comfort for the bereaved family. It was then that the Swift girls met Magnus, a young child known in Gibsonton for his antics and knack for totally destroying things, and it was decided that he was a bad influence on them, especially Braelyn.
Soon, Allison graduated and moved on to college. She flew over to America to attend a highly acclaimed medical school in Chicago, Illinois and studied diligently, leaving no room for personal relationships. An older history scholar caught her eye however. They had met in Downtown Chicago as Allison was heading to a mall, and his eccentric ways seemed interesting to her. He was 8 years her senior, but the two became close as her college years were drawing to a close. Rufus Wolf, a boy from rural Iowa, had come to Chicago for the culture and historical aspect. He had lived there for a while before meeting Allison and after she had graduated from college, the two stayed close and became engaged. Her aptitude for weird and/or failed relationships began at that point. Allison then took an internship at St. Lucianus's Hospital and completed it before her life took a gradual turn for the worse. Rufus's eccentric attitude turned out to be a serious mental condition, and his mental state deteriorated every day, to the point of him not remembering things, including Allison. Allison happened to be a prime target of this and served to confuse him with her presence.
Kathleen Swift finally managed to contact Allison during her graveyard shift of St. Lucianus Hospital on May 6th of 2007. The outbreak had ravaged through her home town of Malton two years prior to the call and the remaining Swifts in Malton had gotten out and moved into the neighboring town, yet Allison had no clue that her home had been quarantined. In a panic, Allison quit her position at the hospital, gathered anything she might've needed, and took Rufus along with her to the airport despite his constant objections to it. The pair left O'Hare Airport that night and arrived outside of Malton the next day. The two found it easy to get into the quarantine zone around Gibsonton and once their feet hit the pavement, shock set in on Rufus. He went crazy, pushing Allison to the ground as he ran around in a panicked frenzy, retreating far away from Dr. Allison Swift. Fearing for his life, Allison went after him. She couldn't get into many of the buildings; the survivors inside had barricaded them up as high as they could go, but she soon found Rufus Wolf again.
She found him in an abandoned hotel, standing on the sill of one of the broken windows, gazing out at the stormy, grey sky. Younger survivors had congregated in the hotel, and a few were even on the same floor as the engaged couple. The two exchanged words; their conversation ending as Rufus told Allison he had hated her with a passion since the first day they met. He proceeded to fall backwards out the window as Allison reached out to grab his hands, plummeting to his death. The survivors in the room had gaped at the young doctor, thinking she had pushed him out the window in retaliation of his words. The survivors drew away from her, saying something about murderers and doctors and Allison. One of them made a call on the radio out to what Allison thought was the police, giving them her name: Allison Swift. Thoroughly confused, she quickly changed her last name to the one she would have had two months from that date: Wolf. She didn't like it, but she had to stay safe in the crazed environment of Malton. Her doctor's coat and medical alert bracelet however, still displayed her true last name.
Overcome with grief, she finally found permanent shelter in her mother's old hospital. The new doctor healed as many survivors as she could every day, finding a new purpose in her life. She later spotted some Department of Emergency Management posters and signed up as an EMT. Allison Wolf later headed out to Millen Hills for Academy training, and the Academy is where she has stayed for a year.
She can now be found either in the MEMS Meeting Place, talking to the other doctors and ex-EMS members of the DEM; the Block Parties, if there's one on; or the Faculty Lounge where she often takes naps during downtime. Allison can be found hanging out with the instructors, any and all of the MEMS and even talking to some mass-murderers every once in a while.
Known Relatives in Malton: M. Richter (Cousin, Status: Alive), B.M. Swift (Sister, Status: Alive), B.K. Swift (Sister, Status: Presumed Dead), Dr. J. Swift (Father, Status: Confirmed Permanently Dead), C.F. Swift (Brother, Status: Alive)
PK Deaths
Allison Wolf has been Pked too many times.
Merits and Ribbons
MEMS:Dr. Allison A. Wolf's Ribbons
Feline Friend
Frederick Silvestri Swift
File:Unnamed kitten.jpg
November somethingth
Character class:
Felis silvestris catus
Favorite equipment:
Sharp baby teeth and claws
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Character group:
Malton Emergency Medical Service
Character stats:
Revive Needles Eaten: 3.5, Gauze Strips Chewed: 12, Allison's Fingers Bitten: 10
No journal for Frederick Silvestri Swift
Given to Allison by Marc Sweeny at the Public Block Party, this cat loves nothing more than rummaging through Allison's backpack and misplacing everything. Nicknamed "Fred" by Southrop, and given a full name later, he seems to stay kittenish, even though he should probably be a cat by now. He hangs out in the Teacher's Lounge most of the time.
Merits and Ribbons
None... it's a cat. :)
Borrowed a sidebar and a background layout from someone. Hope they don't mind! I give them credit, whomever they are.... *apologetic smile* Sorry! *cringe* (I think it was Sidebar: Cap'n Silly, Background: Xoid so sorry and thanks and here's your credit! :D )