User:Jason Valer

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Revision as of 04:43, 16 October 2008 by Jason Valer (talk | contribs)
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Character Stats

Jason Valer
Joined: 12-18-2005
Character class: Military Assault Trooper
Favorite equipment: *Finely tuned bluegrass banjo
*"Able" a 9mm pistol
*"Victor" a side by side coach shotgun
Character profile: Urban Dead Profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: The_Fortress
Character stats: Level:38 XP:12,584
Rank: Campaign Master
ABA's: 8

Present Day

Before the outbreak Jason Valer was a worker in one of Malton's electrical plants. He had been a US Army Ranger for nine years prior to moving to Malton. He was a communications specialist for his time in the the Army before having to be discharged after an accident during a training scenario. As word of the outbreak spread he stayed in his apartment complex, helping the otehrs evacuate and other people that wandered through. As the city was lockeddown, he found himself alone in his apartment buidling with his hunting shotgun and pistol. He quickly began sealing off areas and raiding the ktichens of his former neighbors for food and other things he may need.

After a week he had scouted the suburb around his home, bringing people back with him. The band relied on one another to get by. One day after he and a few others made a scouting mission, they returned to find the barricades down and sign of a firefight, along with some zombie corpses. Upon exploring to the main apartments where the group stayed, they found half a dozen zombies feasting on their comrades, the three men immediatly eliminated the threat and policed their friends bodies and put them in a locked room and wrote a short messege and a list of the deceased names on the door to anyone who may stumble upon the place after the epidemic had ceased.

The small band proceeded to Craiger Mall where they heard a army of survivors had grouped themselves. During the infamous siege, the three were seperated and never saw one another again. After the seige, Jason made his way across the city. One day he found a crudly made flier proclaiming a group called "The Fortress". He used his cellphone to contact the man it mentioned, after receiving directions and meeting up with the man, he was taken into the surivor group.

Once he joined this group he was skeptical about the military style of it but grew accustomed to taking orders and such. A loyal and dedicated soldier, he has shot himself up the Fortress heirarchy.

Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
Seal.JPG Assault Squadron
This user kicks ass in The Fortress