Indian/Pakistani Delicacies

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Indian/Pakistani Delicacies
Abbreviation: I/PD
Group Numbers: Channah Dal Samosa
Leadership: Channah Dal Samosa
Goals: Survival, providing culinary delight to all who ingest us, being highly flavorful and pleasantly aromatic
Recruitment Policy: Open to all foodstuffs of Indian or Pakistani origin, as well as their enthusiasts... no need to ask, just join by adding the group to your profile
Contact: In game or on the discussion page

What kind of group is this?

The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies is a group formed by a plate of food commonly found in the nations of Pakistan and India. Its goal is to represent and organize other Indian/Pakistani foodstuffs and their enthusiasts in the town of Borehamwood and to not be eaten by zombies, since zombies tend not to be appreciative of the effort it takes to prepare such delightful cuisine and just wolf down their meals without savoring them.

How can a plate of food get up and start fighting zombies? How does it use an axe?

Shut up. I don't see you getting all inquisitive about how the living dead manage to get up and start eating people, don't start questioning the right of a snack to defend itself and choose the time and manner of its consumption.


Channah Dal Samosa was sitting on a plate in a fire station in South Borehamwood, alongside a bottle of Kingfisher lager and a couple of spicy bowls of rich dipping sauce when the zombie outbreak began. As confused reports of emergencies started arriving from the area of East Borehamwood the resident firefighters hurried off to service the community's needs, leaving a tasty lunch behind untouched. As minutes passed to hours, Channah Dal Samosa realized that being eaten really wasn't what he wanted to do with his afternoon anyway, his purpose in life though it might be, and he got up to see what was going on. Realizing that a dangerous epidemic was sweeping across Borehamwood and that the community needed him even more as a defender than as a snack, he equipped himself with an axe and ventured out into the community to see how he could be of assistance.

His first stop was St. Hormisdas' hospital, where he found a small group of survivors intent on making forays into the Big Brother House and exploring the environs. One, Paula Negosu, seemed particularly adventurous, though her daring would soon be rewarded by her unfortunate demise. Channah Dal Samosa ventured briefly to the supermarket in hopes of finding other Indian/Pakistani Delicacies to aid him in his quest, but the shelves seemed largely stocked with beer and wine, so he moved on. He then proceeded to the Big Brother House itself, where he found the building almost completely ransacked with only a few survivors inside and a substantial horde of zombies preparing to finish them off. He retreated to St. Hormisdas' hospital, warning of an impending onslaught and the need to withdraw, but to little avail. The supermarket nearby soon fell, as did a nearby police station. Channah Dal Samosa proceeded to withdraw to a series of more remote hospitals as the seemingly unstoppable zombie menace advanced. As the outbreak in South Borehamwood became uncontrollable he realized that the best thing he could do would be to organize as many people as possible to openly declare their love of Indian and Pakistani cuisine and their reluctance to die. Thus the group Indian/Pakistani Delicacies was born.