Indian/Pakistani Delicacies
Indian/Pakistani Delicacies | |
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Abbreviation: | I/PD |
Group Numbers: | Malai Kofta |
Leadership: | Malai Kofta |
Goals: | Survival, providing culinary delight to all who ingest us, being highly flavorful and pleasantly aromatic |
Recruitment Policy: | Open to all foodstuffs of Indian or Pakistani origin, as well as their enthusiasts... no need to ask, just join by adding the group to your profile |
Contact: | In game or on the discussion page |
What kind of group is this?
The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies is a group formed by a plate of food commonly found in the nations of Pakistan and India. Its goal is to represent and organize other Indian/Pakistani foodstuffs and their enthusiasts in the town of Borehamwood and to not be eaten by zombies, since zombies tend not to be appreciative of the effort it takes to prepare such delightful cuisine and just wolf down their meals without savoring them.
How can a plate of food get up and start fighting zombies? How does it use an axe?
Shut up. I don't see you getting all inquisitive about how the recently deceased manage to get up and start eating people, don't start questioning the right of a snack to defend itself and choose the time and manner of its consumption.
What methods do the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies employ?
At present, the barricading of as many buildings as possible to VSB++ is a high priority. In areas where groups of zombies are active, buildings should be 'caded to EHB++ with adjacent buildings at VSB++ to allow individuals without free running to still find refuge. Members are encouraged to equip themselves with fire axes and toolboxes, always keep at least one first-aid kit on hand, and learn hand to hand combat, axe handling, construction, and free running skills as soon as possible. Members should seek refuge among large numbers of fellow survivors... there is safety in numbers.
Channah Dal Samosa was sitting on a plate in a fire station in South Borehamwood, alongside a bottle of Kingfisher lager and a couple of spicy bowls of rich dipping sauce when the zombie outbreak began. As confused reports of emergencies started arriving from the area of East Borehamwood the resident firefighters hurried off to service the community's needs, leaving a tasty lunch behind untouched. As minutes passed to hours, Channah Dal Samosa realized that being eaten really wasn't what he wanted to do with his afternoon anyway, his purpose in life though it might be, and he got up to see what was going on. Realizing that a dangerous epidemic was sweeping across Borehamwood and that the community needed him even more as a defender than as a snack, he equipped himself with an axe and ventured out into the community to see how he could be of assistance.
His first stop was St. Hormisdas' hospital, where he found a small group of survivors intent on making forays into the Big Brother House and exploring the environs. One noob seemed particularly adventurous, though her daring would soon be rewarded by her unfortunate demise. Channah Dal Samosa ventured briefly to the supermarket in hopes of finding other Indian/Pakistani Delicacies to aid him in his quest, but the shelves seemed largely stocked with beer and wine, so he moved on. He then proceeded to the Big Brother House itself, where he found the building almost completely ransacked with only a few survivors inside and a substantial horde of zombies preparing to finish them off. He retreated to St. Hormisdas' hospital, warning of an impending onslaught and the need to withdraw, but to little avail. The supermarket nearby soon fell, as did a nearby police station. Channah Dal Samosa proceeded to withdraw to a series of more remote hospitals as the seemingly unstoppable zombie menace advanced. As the outbreak in South Borehamwood became uncontrollable he realized that the best thing he could do would be to organize as many people as possible to openly declare their love of Indian and Pakistani cuisine and their reluctance to die. Thus the group Indian/Pakistani Delicacies was born.
January 17, 2009 The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies have returned to their Headquarters and final resting place. R.I.P. --Necrofeelinya 23:50, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
January 16, 2009 Tragically, Malai Kofta was caught in Adalbert Cinema [533,45] in West Borehamwood by Vredefort of the group BRA!NZ and mercilessly slaughtered the way that Israeli soldiers have been mercilessly slaughtering well over 1,100 Palestinian men, women and children for the past few weeks. This brings to an end the suffering of the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies, who will now rise from the dust and return to their Headquarters at the Israel Building Palestine Building to guard and protect it against those who would dare trespass. --Necrofeelinya 23:59, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
January 8, 2009 The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies helped a survivor in need of aid with a couple of FAKs and some quick advice, but if he keeps hanging out in resource buildings he's pretty much gonna get toasted. In addition, since practice makes perfect, Malai Kofta improved his First Aid skills, doubling their efficiency. --Necrofeelinya 01:22, 9 January 2009 (UTC)
January 6, 2009 Malai Kofta survived a brutal assault from an unknown zombie or zombies and infected between January 3-4 which nearly killed him, then a light attack from an unknown zombie that may have infected him (or not) between January 4-5, and then was attacked by Grub Nubs and infected between January 5-6. None of it has served to dampen his spirits, nor greatly diminish his health due to the colossal number of FAKs which he managed to stockpile prior to the initial assault. Indeed, things are looking good, with zombie numbers slowly decreasing across Borehamwood and survivor numbers still relatively high. The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies are looking forward to turning the tables and bringing the city out of ruined status as soon as it becomes feasible to do so. --Necrofeelinya 21:04, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
- Update Awwww, man.... Malai Kofta got hassled and infected by Devivification of the Borehamwood Party Crew. What a bummer. Sigh. FAK time again. Fortunately, he's got them aplenty, for the moment at least. Clearly, banks, clubs and the like are search targets for zombies, so survivors have to decide whether there are greater benefits to staying in darkened buildings to limit zombies' ability to hit them, or whether it's better to avoid such buildings and stay in ruined buildings without such defensive bonuses in hopes of avoiding contact with zombies, even if it risks death in a single encounter. --Necrofeelinya 03:26, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
December 28, 2008 Forced to abandon their headquarters, the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies have been running and hiding for a few days now, thus far successfully. The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies wish to take this moment to express their solidarity with their cousins in the Gaza Strip at this time, who are enduring an assault from Israeli forces that far outweighs the horror of mere zombie apocalypse. Your strength and resilience are a credit to all mankind. May peace return to your homeland, may the weapons of your enemies fall away from you without harm, and may prosperity touch upon you and grace you with good health and well-being. I only wish there was more I could say or do to comfort you. --Necrofeelinya 04:21, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
December 24, 2008 Elstree has suffered a blitzkrieg assault from the zombie hordes. The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies awoke to find most of the suburb in ruins and most standing buildings wide open. There is little left to defend, but HQ still stands, at least for the moment. It will probably fall within a few hours. Malai Kofta desperately tried to repair some of the damage, but it's clearly a losing battle. The time has finally come when fortified buildings are no longer refuges, but mere targets of zombie wrath that will serve as the graves of those unlucky survivors who sought shelter there. It is time for a new, more desperate strategy. --Necrofeelinya 04:22, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
December 23, 2008 Zombies have been noticed rampaging in areas near HQ. Minor action has been taken to frustrate them, repairing and barricading buildings to slow their progress. Due to the possibility of zombies being able to scent the whereabouts of those they've recently encountered, direct contact is considered inadvisable. The situation is quickly deteriorating. --Necrofeelinya 03:20, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
December 21, 2008 Another pleasant day of reinforcing the neighborhood and collecting supplies. --Necrofeelinya 03:51, 22 December 2008 (UTC)
December 20, 2008 A casual day of exploring the area, healing wounded survivors and hacking away at a troublesome zombie. Very relaxing. --Necrofeelinya 01:08, 21 December 2008 (UTC)
December 19, 2008 The process of shoring up regional defenses continues. The region is slowly getting safer, if only temporarily. --Necrofeelinya 01:21, 20 December 2008 (UTC)
December 18, 2008 The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies have begun the lengthy process of repairing and barricading all the buildings near their headquarters. --Necrofeelinya 03:00, 19 December 2008 (UTC)
December 17, 2008 It must have been divine providence that led the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies to Elstree. Here, in Elstree, they have found their headquarters. It has yet to be scouted, but Indian/Pakistani Delicacies hereby claim the Israel Building Palestine Building [505,78] as their headquarters in the suburb of Elstree in sympathy with the struggle of their Palestinian foodstuff cousins. All survivors are welcome there. --Necrofeelinya 02:56, 18 December 2008 (UTC)
December 15, 2008 The decision to leave Radlett was a hard one, and undertaking it was no small task. The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies have fled to Elstree to avoid the rapidly encroaching horde from northeast Radlett. While Elstree itself is under some degree of siege, the isolation of Radlett was deemed to provide too few escape routes once the suburb fell, as it inevitably will. Malai Kofta could not make the trip all at once, and had to take refuge in some woodlands to rest before completing the trip, which he did with a great deal of anxiety and fear of discovery. From Elstree it will be far easier to flee to another part of Borehamwood once the last survivor outposts are brought down and remaining humans are forced to take refuge in ruined buildings. It is hoped that the horde will have lost interest in the eastern suburbs as they close in on Radlett and Elstree, leaving behind fairly empty areas which can then provide cover. The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies are taking a calculated risk with this move, and only time will tell if it pays off. Soon there will be no safe havens. --Necrofeelinya 04:59, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
December 14, 2008 With PKer group Game Over having inflicted heavy damage on the survivor population and the Borehamwood Party Crew ravaging the northeast corner of Radlett, the situation is dire indeed. Further, Radlett itself is a fairly isolated area. With its southern boundary consisting of mostly empty countryside, there are few places left to run to. A decision must be made soon as to what actions must be taken, before the horde arrives in greater force. --Necrofeelinya 01:17, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
December 9, 2008 The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies are deeply concerned about the lack of survivors in Radlett... although buildings are well 'caded thus far, and many decoys are lit the few survivors will have a hard time controlling the territory once the hordes arrive in earnest. The main hope thus far is that Radlett will make for such poor hunting grounds that the hordes will simply avoid it. Malai Kofta did see some small evidence of GKer activity in the Runcieman Building [502, 17] where a generator had been dented, so GKers and PKers are a major concern and survivors are again warned that they should not sleep alone, sleep in groups of three or more. This is a safety measure, not kinky perversion, FYI. --Necrofeelinya 23:41, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
December 7, 2008 The number of both survivors and zombies in the area is increasing as more and more people are fleeing the onslaught in Northwest Borehamwood and seeking refuge in Radlett. The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies have been using this brief respite to try to gain experience, but soon the hordes will begin breaking into even the best defended buildings in Radlett. Malai Kofta recently obtained the Axe Handling skill, and is preparing to put it to good use. --Necrofeelinya 04:05, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
December 6, 2008 After withdrawing to Radlett the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies were dismayed to find the same distribution of sparse, inexperienced survivors as had been prevalent in the other regions which had been so easily overwhelmed. Indeed, after a night of rest Malai Kofta awoke to find that nearby Bramall Way Police Station [511, 5] was seriously under siege and almost certain to fall soon. Fortunately, it appeared that most of the buildings in the area were well barricaded. After considering the situation, the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies are hereby issuing an advisory to all survivors to avoid sleeping in resource buildings. The hordes have been advancing too rapidly and directly targeting lighted resource buildings, particularly hospitals, police stations, factories and warehouses while ignoring less promising targets. The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies further advise survivors to gather in large groups and barricade all nearby empty buildings to VSB++ to serve as decoys, even putting fueled generators in some of them when available. --Necrofeelinya 01:28, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
December 5, 2008 In a bid to avoid the pincer move the zombies seem to be closing upon Northwest Borehamwood with from North and West Borehamwood, the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies have relocated to Radlett. This may well be the last secure region in Borehamwood, and when it falls the real struggle for survival will begin. --Necrofeelinya 02:12, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
December 2, 2008 The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies continue to struggle, as Malai Kofta tries to gain experience and new skills while searching for food-based allies or their devotees to swell the ranks of the group. He is preparing to strategically withdraw to safer territory as zombies begin to encroach upon the region of Northwest Borehamwood, threatening this sparsely populated and previously secure area. --Necrofeelinya 22:46, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
November 27, 2008 The Indian/Pakistani Delicacies dropped by Teresa General Hospital[539,35] and noticed things weren't quite in order. After quickly securing and barring the doors, a couple of FAKs applied and a brief word of advice, Malai Kofta departed to see if he could arrange for one of the more deceased patients to be removed, being not quite up to the task himself. --Necrofeelinya 04:34, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
On November 21st, 2008 Channah Dal Samosa was overtaken in Aelred Hospital in the southwest corner of Central Borehamwood by Graghness of the Borehamwood Rangahz during a break-in which saw the fall of the hospital. He was brutally savaged, then after succumbing to his wounds rose up as a greasy plate of leftovers and attacked his former companions, joining the zombie menace. He had spent his last hours securing nearby buildings and was about to scout a location further from the horde to retreat to, but was too late. All was not lost though, as his demise roused his old friend Malai Kofta to action. Taking over the mantle of leadership from Channah Dal Samosa, Malai Kofta assumed control of the Indian/Pakistani Delicacies group with no disruption of operations, as there were as yet no other known members. --Necrofeelinya 23:22, 21 November 2008 (UTC)