St. Elisabeth's Hospital (Molebank)
St. Elisabeth's Hospital
Molebank [17,48]
Basic Info:
A previously well-kept hospital in the leafy suburb of Molebank.
Barricade Policy
Please do not over barricade this building! It should be maintained as an accessible safe house and free running entryway, and as such the barricades should be maintained at Very Strongly (VS+2). See the Uniform Barricading Policy for more details.
Current Status
August 19th, 2007 just after midnight. St. Elizabeths is under heavy barricade while 30+ zeds tear at Felix General.
During the early parts of January, St. Elisabeth's and it's neighbor, Felix General Hospital was besieged relentlessly by ferals, numbering close to thirty. Numerous breakins occured on Felix but the stubborn survivors were always successful in driving them out. The hospital was also a Chi Vai excavation site for a brief time. The Chi Vai Hunters managed to obtain six Chi Vais before moving on to Ackland Mall.
Sept. 10 of '06 (Around midnight), St. Elizabeth's was over run. As a result, Felix General Hospital went to E.H. barracade status. Many survivors were killed.
January, 24-27 was a notable time for the recent rise of zombies in Molebank, surging in a minor siege at St. Elisabeth's Hospital. The horde was repelled bravely by a mixed militia of survivors, Hospital Staff, and the The Kronstadt Sailors, but eventually the ardent defenders were repelled, and the hospital overcome. Perhaps this is the heralding of darker times for recently peaceful Molebank?