Island Hopping Tour 09

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Revision as of 16:38, 17 February 2009 by Ninja4hire (talk | contribs)
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Islandavatar.png Island Hopping Tour 09
User has reclaimed islands for Barhah!

Current Location - Grigg_Heights

  • Frustrated with the winter blahs?
  • Do you yearn to leave a trail of misery and brain fragments behind you as you rampage across the face of Malton?
  • Malton is home to a variety of buildings, and a few (or in some cases, groups of few) are considered islands. Since these buildings are cut off from all else, they are typically considered unsuitable for harman defense. Alternatively, they provide superb safehouses for our zambah brethren.
  • We have begun a Tour of all of these prospective temples, in order to free them from their harman oppressors and spread the word to all who would hear.

Zombiefark has hereby declared all islands to be considered Temples of Barhah

The Tour

  • - January 2009
    • The Tour has begun, with a visit to our friend the Fowler Crescent zombie - named for the Fowler_Crescent_Railway_Station which he inhabits and holds as a holy Temple of Barhah. We mixed it up in Chudleyton for a brief while, paying our respects to Caiger Mall, before moving onward.
    • Our next trip was short, as there is an island grouping on the north boundary of Chudleyton. Because it harbors an NT facility, we thought to find resistance.. but it fell swiftly to the hungry horde.


  • - February 09
    • A short shamble to the east found us at Club_Cust. After depleting the Club of its stock of booze and brains, we upgraded the building to Temple status. (hehe, Vagg_Road )


    • Stopping for a visit to the Reptile_House, found us in the same vicinity as the Mall Tour. Strange that of all places, these tours would overlap at the City Zoo. There were not many scraps left from their voracious horde, so we moved on to our next destination.
    • A short distance to the west was the next island group, The_Richmond_Hills_Humongoplex, which we found heavily caded but poorly defended. Another one bites the dust.
