The Horsemen of Evolution

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The Horsemen of Evolution
Abbreviation: Evolution
Group Numbers: 4
Leadership: Someone Important
Goals: Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave.
Recruitment Policy: Survivors

Current amateur group of survivors in the city of Malton. One day this goup will spread and conquer Malton.


Member Position/Rank
EJN 16 President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board
gotchi V5 Vice President, Co-Chairman of the Board


January 1, 2009

Group officially starts.

January 20, 2009

HQ is found. It is the Lavor Alley School in Pitney.


Created January 1, 2009. No history.



1. Only survivors are allowed.

2. New players are always welcome and recruited.

3. To register all you need is to send an e-mail. We will then send you a letter of invitation along with instructions.

4. Once in you should be in a group so that you will be protected. Please see the group policy.

5. Welcome and remember, "Alone your great, together your unstoppable".

Group Guide


Each group is to be limited to 1 in each suburb. Inside in each group it is advised to have a large and "ethnic" group. There should be someone (it could be all one person or different people) that can: revive, heal, barricade, protect, and lead. Although you can not collect and give out supplies, there should be at least one person that has a lot of supplies. Here is a recommended list:


10 first aid kits

5 necrotech syringes

5 flare guns

1 tool box

1 portable generator

2 fuel cans

1 radio transiever (tuned to the official Evolution station. 28.16 MHz.)

Once everything is ready then someone should be appointed captain of the group. Being the captain's downside is that he/she should always have at least 20 AP, limiting their action. The reason for this is because the captain must regularly chech how the barricades are doing. If for some reason there is an attack the captain should be prepared. See Defense Policy below to learn more.

Barricade Policy and Defense Plan


Barricades Policy

All barricades are to be left at VSB. To keep from drawing attention it is advised to stay away from NecroTech buildings, hospitals, and police stations. Malls that are already taken should be avoided completely and should be used only to restock on supplies. Malls that are ransacked could be used as a base but is not recommended as it should remain at VSB and will require extra surveliance.

Defense Plan

Defense is very important when you are living with hundreds of thousands of zombies. I came up with a very simple plan on 3 different classes/levels of a zombie attack.

Code Yellow (Class 1 Attack): 1-3 zombies. When an event happens it is important to keep an eye on the strength of the barricade. Keep the barricades at VSB in case there are lost survivors. After 30 mintutes of defense, revive or attack the zombies until they die or you run out of AP. This should keep you alive. Any damages are to be fixed as soon as possible.

Code Blue (Class 2 Attack): 4-5 zombies. When an unlikely event happens it will require the help of everyone. The strongest are to attack as soon as they can. The ones that can revive or heal are to be proteced unless they can help greatly. The new recruits' strategies may and will vary. Help can be called using the radio and/or cell phone (if available). Any damages are to be fixed as soon as possibe.

Code Red (Class 3 Attack): 5 or more zombies. If such an improbable event were to occur help should immediatley requested using the radio and/or cell phone (if available). Keep barricades at EHB during the early stage of the attack. After the number of zombies are lowered then the barricades should be at VSB. Everyone must try and help as soon as they can. Keep updating the situation over the radio, this could help prevent other attacks if the zombies are part of an all-out attack from a major zombie group. If situation does not improve then everything should be abandoned. Send a scout (not the class, a real scout) to search a good place to stay. Half the group should stay and try to fight while the new recruits move for protection. Run only if the situation seems hopless.

Code Green: If the suvivors win the attack then this should be broadcasted on the radio.

Code Black: If the zombies win the attack then this should be broadcasted on the radio. Reinforcements are to be sent to help the ones that survive. Only use this in case of a Class 3 attack.


The official radio for this group in all of Malton is 28.16 MHz. This station can be use for regular broadcast of news and emergencies. It can also be used for pure entertainment such as talk shows and whatever pops into anyones head. No profanity, kids might be playing this game. Please no fake emergency announcements. Only group members should be allowed on the frequency.

Radio Personalities

Name Title
EJN 16 Host

Radio Events


Future Events

Zombie 101 (General information on zombies.)

News (Day's current events.)

TV Recap (Rates and updates you on the latest of American TV. Open for suggestions.)

--WWE Raw


--WWE SmackDown

Free Earth (Daily messages to help prevent suicides.)

Word of the Day (Daily words that have relations with the zombie genre.)

Emergency Broadcast (This is for surprise attacks around the HQ area.)

Emergency Broadcast Test (Every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., the station will run a test to make sure that you are tuned all of our wonderful programming. If one does not recieve this message then that means that something is wrong with your radio.)




Head Quarters

The HQ is in Pitneybank. The building is Lavor Alley School. Recruits are welcome.


Looking for recruits.


Need more info? Just contact us at We will be happy to answer anything you have to say.