Survivor-Zombie Imbalance

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The Theories

There are popular theories concerning the best ratio of survivors to zombies.

Equal numbers of Zombies and Survivors

Rarely stated explicitly, but rather implied by the word "balance", this viewpoint holds that Malton's population should be split 50:50 between living and unliving. This would mean that members of both sides could easily find opponents. Often, people think that if one side numbers fewer than 50%, then it must have an inherent weakness, and so needs to be made more powerful. Game updates are often implemented to correct an uneven balance, but generally seem to only have a short term effect.

Zombies Heavily Outnumber Survivors

Considered to be particularly in-genre, here humans desperately try to survive against vastly larger numbers of zombies. The risk (or is that the opportunity?) here is that the zombies may wipe out the last of the survivors, and without survivors to play with or against, the game is over.

Let it be (Laissez-faire)

This view says it's best if neither search/barricade odds are adjusted, or suggestions implemented for the purpose of changing the population ratios. This means that every event in-game is a result of player actions.

The Graphs

Graphical representations of the balance, using written reports from this page as reference before hourly logs began.

Absolute Values

This shows the actual changes in standing numbers over time, the magnitude of keys events can be seen easily.


Ratio of Values

By using the percentage of each, one can see changes independent of the ever changing total active population and some effects which are more well hidden on the absolute values become obvious here.


The History

The Strike (12/2005)

The Ratio: 21/12/2005 71% to 29% (36,509 to 14,720)

Survivors outnumber Zombies. This ultimately harms the game for everyone, since unbalanced sides reduce the excitement and fun of the game.

Now infamous, a large number of players went On Strike in protest. The events of Stanstock caused the biggest change in the balance, both absolutely and relatively, in the history of the game.

Before Syringe AP Increase (2/2006)

The Ratio: 24/2/2006 64% to 36%

With the changes implemented after the strike, the balance takes a drastic turn towards equality and the survivor count nosedives. This is largely due to the strike itself in which a large number of survivors were willingly killed during the protest but also due to the changes in favour of the zombies. The balance had been improved to but a bias against zombies still existed.

After Syringe AP Increase (3/2006)

The Ratio: Late March, Rough Equality

In late March, syringes were changed to use 10 AP when reviving, up from 1 AP. This change reduced the use of syringes as combat weapons, as even characters with large amounts of syringes were restricted to five a day. Previously, syringes had been an AP-efficient way to kill zombies since they were a 1 AP use, 100% hit rate weapon.

The number of survivors drops significantly, although roughly half of those remaining are zombie hunters.

The Ratio: 11/4/2006 51% to 48% (20,682 to 19,821) with 2,224 revivifying bodies and 5,917 corpses. 28/4/2006 49% to 51% (18,955 to 19,546) with 2,503 revivifying bodies, 6,000 corpses and 9,085 zombie hunters. 13/5/2006 52% to 48% (19,230 to 17,570) with 2,526 revivifying bodies, 5,416 corpses and 9,646 zombie hunters.

After this, the short term effect of the changes is adapted to by survivors, and survivor numbers begin a steady increase. This is compounded by active zombie players also leaving in larger numbers. The ratio took a violent swing for the survivors as a result.

Redressing the Ratio (6/2006)

The Ratio: 58% to 42%

The slow survivor increase and the amount of zombies abandoning the game leaves the ratio in a sorry state and rocketing further out of whack. This is not left alone for long and new zombie skills are introduced. This doesn't seem to affect the amount of total characters, but the zombies make significant ground up on the unwary survivors and the ratio closes sharply, to rough equality.

The Ratio:1/7/2006 50% to 50% (17,904 to 17,312)

The impact is is sharp, short and permanent. From the equality, the numbers on each side are left to follow their own pattern with no sign of a quick bounceback for survivor numbers as they adapt. However, now left to their own devices, numbers for the zombies take a turn for the worse and begin a steady decline, while survivor numbers remain even.

The Depression (12/2006)

The Ratio: 22/12/2006 56% to 44% (17,969 to 13,582) with 9,968 zombie hunters.

Months of steady survivor numbers but equally steady zombie decline have left the ratio out of whack. Zombies appear to be becoming disinterest, and zombie hunters now make up an additional 5% of the survivor population.

The Ratio:19/1/2007 63% to 37% (18,972 to 10,871) with 10,832 zombie hunters.

The Christmas/New Year period sees many zombie characters idle out, and a slight bump in survivor numbers. The ratio, fragile at this point, takes a bad hit. With zombie players becoming disinterested in playing things look bleak.

The Ratio:1/2/2007 62% to 38% (18,748 to 11,309) with 10,748 zombie hunters.

The effects of the holiday period seem to be slowing, but while the ratio is still significantly off, it does not remain so for long.

Redressing the Ratio, a lot (2/2007)

The Ratio: 20/2/2007 53% to 47% (16,878 to 14,555) with 9,208 zombie hunters.

A zombie buff sees the ratio radically redressed. Zombies see rapid and substantial swings in their favour. The growth of their numbers is strong. Survivors are assisted by a rise in the total active characters, but this only serves to stem their fall a little.

The ratio:18/3/2007 42% to 58% (13,951 to 18,698) with 7,666 zombie hunters.

For the first time, the ratio is appreciably in zombie favour. The rate of growth in zombie characters remains as strong as ever, the survivor fall continued steadily, still lightly softened by new characters mainly flocking to their camp.

Numbers Swing (3/2007)

Official logging begins on April 22. During the little-over-a-month period since the zombie advantageous ratio of March 18, the numbers have changed dramatically. The results on the graph are an interpolation between the two dates and the true sharpness of the change is not know. From a 16% zombie leads, things go badly.

The Ratio: 22/4/2007 51% to 49% (15,992 to 15,337)

The general cause of this rapid change is not known, if anybody has a good theory, they should make it known.

By the end of May, things had gotten bad for the zombies.

The Ratio: 31/5/2007 63% to 27% (20,056 to 11,615)

At this point, things peaked and trends began to reverse, the ratio started a move towards equality again. The true length or pervasiveness of this trend will never be known, because not long after it began...

Yahoomas (6/2007)

The Ratio: 17/6/2007 60% to 40% (19,261 to 12,611)

On June 18, the game was featured in an article on Yahoo. Yahoo, needless to say, is popular. Numbers sky-rocket for both sides.

The Ratio: 19/6/2007 62% to 38% (25,075 to 15,115)

Notice the sharp increase in both survivor and zombie numbers. An influx of several thousand players.

Yahoomas was a short effect affair, despite the big increases, the effect had almost entirely worn off by the end of the month, with numbers returning to their pre-Yahoomas levels and re-entering the trend from before. Survivor numbers continued their downward trawl with even greater speed. Zombie numbers returned to their marked increases after a period of slow decline so that it could rejoin the cycle where it left off.

The Ratio: 30/6/2007 57% to 43% (20,186 to 14, 986)

Zombie Upswing... (8/2007)

Player numbers started to fall after this. Survivors, already their numbers falling, saw their rate of descent become steeper. Zombies, who had been enjoying a comeback, saw their rise slowly peak, and then began a slow and gradual decline of their own.

The Ratio: 13/08/2007 56% to 44% (17,971 to 13,871)

After this date, zombies showed a marked growth at the expense of survivor numbers. a little later a change to free running involving ruins would further hamper survivors and press home the zombie advantage. The combined effect would see a brush with equality at the end of October.

The Ratio: 31/8/2007 49% to 51% (15,811 to 16,539)

...And Downswing (9/2007)

Inexplicably (anybody got any good theories?), zombies numbers took a massive turn for the worse after the peak of the upswing. Survivors converted many, and yet more were lost due to idle outs. This massive downturn was to prove long term in its repercussions, after initially bottoming out on September 21.

The Ratio: 21/9/2007 62% to 38% (18,882 to 11,543)

A Period of Stability (01/2008)

After the sudden downturn, the ratio never really recovered. Zombie control stayed lowed for some time, the survivor ratio staying between 57% and 64% for the period. Both sides saw a general decline in player numbers.

The Ratio: 1/1/2008 60% to 40% (15,362 to 10,474)

The ratio then became more decisive, and the zombies were to find themselves in an ever worse situation. Survivor numbers began to rise steadily and zombie numbers managed to slump yet further, dropping below 10,000 for the first time ever.

The Ratio: 22/1/2008 66% to 34% (18,770 to 9,520)

The worse ratio since pre-Stanstock, the zombies were now outnumbered by an overwhelming 2:1.

The Zombies Strike Back (01/2008)

The Ratio: 22/1/2008 66% to 34% (18,770 to 9,520)

Game mechanics are radically altered to aid the zombies. Survivors find themselves slightly beaten up, but the zombies didn't stop there. A wave of new accounts (presumably to enjoy the change) helped rocket the balance to near equilibrium.

The Ratio: 20/2/2008 50% to 50% (15,493 to 15,342)

This, however, was only the start.

The Dead/SA & Monroeville aka The Great Crash (02/2008)

The Ratio: 20/2/2008 50% to 50% (15,493 to 15,342)

The zombie boosts were still benefiting zombies as the ratio reached equality. A group of players from Something Awful came en masse to Urban Dead, creating a group later to become known simply as The Dead. Zombies gain around 4,000, survivors 9,000 in the period of 9 days. It is, unequivocally, the fastest growth in numbers the game has ever seen.

Now add into the mix, a new Urban Dead city, Monroeville, opening on February 25. Cue mash rush to sign up.

Up until now I've been using end of day statistics from the official records. Permit me now to use some hourly ones to make a point. The mass sign up had boosted numbers to their peak, as shown below.

The Ratio: 29/2/2008 17:00 56% to 44% (24,456 to 19,305)

You can see the substantial rises in numbers for both sides over the period. Now factor in the opening of Monroeville some days earlier. People playing characters there could no longer use their IP hits in Malton. The characters they left standing would be idling out any time soon.

The first wave hit just an hour later.

The Ratio: 29/2/2008 18:00 47% to 53% (15,955 to 17,820)

The zombies lost 1,500 characters in this hour alone, the migration from the SA forums had cushioned this.

The survivors lost almost 10,000 characters, 40% of their entire population, in the space of an hour, back to pre-SA levels. It was the single biggest loss to either side in the space of an hour, ever.

It didn't stop there.

Survivor numbers plummeted. The English language lacks a suitably substantially insane word to describe it. Meanwhile, zombie numbers later made a recovery to numbers almost as high as their SA peak.

The economic downfall of 1929 pales in comparison.

The ratio reached its greatest post-Stanstock disparity, and it was in favour of the zombies. The final values at the survivors lowest point follow.

The Ratio: 24/3/2008 14:01 31% to 69% (8,478 to 18,394)

The loss was the greatest change (not just fall, but change) in numbers in the history of the game. The combined migration of players to Monroeville and arrival of strong zombie hordes had turned the tables, definitively, in little over a month.

Survivors Bounce Back (03/2008)

The Ratio: 24/3/2008 14:01 31% to 69% (8,478 to 18,394)

Zombie numbers had levelled out for sometime, but survivor numbers were still plummeting, having dipped under the 10,000 mark (Indeed, the 8,500 mark). The hordes had reached capacity, if the rate of attrition kept up, survivors would be gone in a month, maybe two. The game would be over.

Something was needed to turn it around, something equally as fast impacting as either SA or the opening of Monroeville.

That something happened, Monroeville closed. Since death (or rather, undeath) was permanent, and new characters could not be made, people flocked back to their Malton alts. Survivor numbers rose sharply. Zombie numbers fell equally as sharply as a result.

The Ratio: 03/04/2008 40% to 60% (11,296 to 16,711)

Numbers remained level after the jump. It has been a short boost after all, and not an effect that would have longer term consequences. The jolt had happened however, and a week or so later survivors would get back into the groove and begin to drive zombie numbers back down. It took time, but 2-3 months of effort had reversed the situation.

The reason was because no fundamentals had changed. The zombie boost and effect of SA had been as short term as anything else. Compare the periods on the graph around 11/2007 and 6/2008. They're not that dissimilar. Arguably, there is some long term effect, and the numbers are indeed slightly better for zombies. But over,all the effect was negligible.

The Ratio: 13/6/2008 63% to 37% (17,084 to 9,879)

Monroeville, All Over Again (06/2008)

Monroeville later reopens, but with much less effect. Less people migrate, zombie numbers are already in tatters, spurred on by neither a recent boost nor a mass influx of players on their side. Survivor number take a hit, but not much of one. The zombies fail to capitalize much. The ratio steers towards equality, but not with any great effort or driving purpose. The gain was mostly due to survivors idling out. The best zombie peak is below.

The Ratio: 26/7/2008 53% to 47% (12,908 to 11,342)

The survivors adapt again, and the gap widens back to previous levels, before the zombies begin to make up ground again and close it to a 10% difference. Levels are slow in their changes.

Borehamwood (10/2008)

The Ratio: 27/10/2008 54% to 46% (12,867 to 10,951)

Borehamwood opens on October 28, another new city. With zombies on good footing at this point, the effect of the survivor migration is enough to let them gain some strength. They capitalize well and flip the ratio round. It peaks during December.

Search Rate Boost (12/2008)

The Ratio: 5/12/2008 39% to 61% (8,259 to 13,162)

The diminishing number of total players over time means that smaller differences are creating bigger effects on the percentages. It also means smaller numbers of revives/survivor deaths will have a bigger effect on the ratio.

Search rates are quietly increased, this saves survivor AP, regardless of their skill. This core boost, though small, sends survivors off to reverse the current ratio pretty fast. Numbers swap drastically. The following is the survivor peak.

The Ratio: 16/12/2008 55% to 45% (12,033 to 9,701)

Continued Decline? (2/2009)

Zombie numbers continue downward, survivor numbers peaked mid December and are now also falling just as fast as the zombies, this has levelled the ratio out for now.

The Ratio: 1/2/2009 63% to 37% (13,883 to 8,030)

This analysis is based on limited data, and so another trend may show up in due course.

Zombie Recovery? (3/2009)

The Ratio: 60% to 40% (13,583 to 8,780)

The count of total players has risen a little compared to a month ago, and so "Continued Decline" may be incorrect. The survivor count has levelled out, and zombies have gained about 700, thus they have made a small gain on the ratio.

This analysis is based on limited data, and so another trend may show up in due course.

The Future

The future could hold many things for the ratio, and Urban Dead in general. However, based on the past history a few general assumptions can be made.

  • Active player numbers will continue to decrease. They've been on a steady downward trend over the last 3 years, and that is unlikely to change.
  • Game mechanic changes will remain short term. Due to the aversion of this wiki to accept suggestions altering core game mechanics, it is unlikely that the fundamentals will change. Players will adapt to any changes in due time with little long term consequence.
  • Survivors will continue to make up ground, left to their own devices. Survivors have always improved things to their favour when not affected by other events. The core game seems biased to allow them the maximum adaptability they need. Zombies have developed a huge metagame, just to be able to compete.
  • The best theory is none of the theories initially stated.
    • The ratio refuses to settle anywhere near 50% and instead storms off in either direction.
    • Zombies could easily end the game if they outnumber survivors (as the SA period showed it might happen)
    • Letting the system be just leads to a gradual survivor victory or zombie curbstomp, as we've seen.

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