Hello. I desperately need some help.I screwed up and gave myself brain rot. can u please help me live. My name is Ranzz and i at browning museum for now. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Ranzz (talk • contribs) at an unknown time. Thanks for the heads up and the quick fix. --Goofy McCoy mfd HK-47 talk 22:47, 19 March 2009 (UTC) Where did you ask. if you asked on the wiki then i'm sorry i don't have time to come on here and check whether or not someone is trying to discredit my group for still existing when, unless i'm mistaken, has not taken the chance to visit the FORUMS. i for one have recieved to PM, nor a thread on my forums pertaining to any of this information. so next time, try actually talking TO the people, rather than posting it JUST on the wiki and ASSUMING that they aren't around. with the mall tour hitting SW malton i've been busy coordinating defenses at Ackland, Marven, Tompson, Pole, and Buckley malls. i don't mean to sound pissed but you sorta just went on assumption after posting on the wiki. half the time i barely have time to check the wiki for anything unless it pertains to finding forums/stats/groups/locations. leaving a note on the wiki is sort of like leaving a newspaper on the front porch of an abandoned house. --Nuerotoxic2213 Ackland Mall Security and the Havercroft Survivors are alive and well. although not alive in the sense that we are just all currently waiting on revives. next time you decide to edit a wiki page like that try asking the groups themselves. currently we are about 14-15 strong. --Nuerotoxic2213 Thanks! I am final alive im right now hold up in Greentown in some arms store. Thanks again for helping me get to life! --CaptainTim 5:26 am (EST) Thanks. I am going to give the Pippard Building a chance. Are you around there? Thanks again. Any advice on what to say when humans come? Should I say "Mah Zambah nah harm Harmanz. No bang bang mah zambah. Mah zambah hab branzrabz." Does that make it clear to not kill me and revive me? Also I put please revive me in my profile. Oh and what are who is your character? Where are you? --CaptainTim 3:39 am (EST)
Hey I did not care for your editing out my update on a Heytown status page for no good reason. --Binlaggin 15:27, 29 January 2009 (UTC) Hello. I believe you had something to do in creating Barak's signature.(with the small mask) Would you be able to help me create one, as well? I'd like something a bit different but I haven't a clue how to create one. Thank you for your consideration.Letitia 22:21, 23 January 2009 (UTC) Hi link its me yet again! can you make me a table (in green!) just two columns and a header? no rush!--mo ヽ(´ー`)ノ MCM MOB DB 19:52, 21 January 2009 (UTC) Hey Link, when creating new Danger Reports please be sure to change the Suburb and building type Categories, as well as making sure the page uses the "updatedr_norot" and not these, "EditingMallDangerLevels" "MallDangerLevels", I've fixed a few so far. Nice to known I'm not alone in improving the urban dead wiki though, appreciate it. --Major Dick 17:29, 5 February 2009 (UTC) Hey, sup, and i want to put myself up for a promo.--Jerrel Yokotory 23:01, 13 February 2009 (UTC) |