File:Firearms.png |
Use: Pistols will appear in your inventory. Clicking on the pistol itself does nothing and wastes an AP. Instead, use the fields above your inventory to fire a pistol at someone. If you'd like to drop your empty pistol, use the "Drop" menu. Clicking on the pistol merely wastes an AP and takes no actions. Reloading a pistol is achieved by clicking on the "pistol clip" item. It will automatically reload an empty pistol, or if none are empty then the one with the least number of rounds left. Comments: Is much more useful if one has Basic Firearms Training. Before then it is best to stick with the Knife, or heal others until you get enough XP to buy Basic Firearms Training. The pistol is an excellent general-purpose weapon due to its decent damage, high accuracy, and plentiful ammunition. How many loaded pistols to carry is a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer just one, reloading every six shots, which allows them to maximize the amount of other gear (such as loaded shotguns, or FAKs) they can carry without much decreasing their effectiveness at dishing out damage. Other people prefer to pay the small encumbrance penalty needed to avoid re-loading every 6 shots, which not only slightly increases damage done in combat, but allows you to act much more quickly in "live" combat situations where you need to fire more than 6 shots in a row. Some users consider the pistol a better long-term choice than the shotgun, the idea being rooted in simple mathematics. When searching for shotgun ammunition, a player has a lower chance of finding anything than he or she does of finding a single pistol clip. If the player manages to find a unit of shotgun ammunition, it consists only of a single shell, with which a player, if lucky enough to hit an enemy, can only do at most ten points of damage. In comparison a single unit of pistol ammunition holds six rounds, with a maximun possible damage of 30 points, spread out in increments of 5. Although dealing all that damage does take more time than simply firing with a shotgun, it also incorporates much less time spent searching for additional bullets. In addition, if the target has lower health than 10 points, only one or two pistol rounds are needed, instead of wasting a shotgun round. Considering that all pistols in Malton have a 6-shot capacity, it is a logical assumption that they are revolvers. Modern police forces issue higher capacity semi-automatic pistols almost exclusively. Thus, Malton is considered somewhat behind the times in issuing revolvers as the standard police sidearm. Revolvers remain popular as crime guns, which means many might be found in police station evidence lockers. In the USA they are also popular as self defense weapons and target guns, which would account for their presence in mall gun stores. The term "clip" as used in Urban Dead is generally understood to mean a 6-shot revolver moon clip. Shotgun
Use: Shotguns will appear in your inventory. Clicking on the shotgun itself does nothing and wastes an AP. Instead, use the fields above your inventory to fire a shotgun at someone. If you'd like to drop your empty shotgun, use the "Drop" menu. Clicking on the shotgun merely wastes an AP and takes no actions. Reloading a shotgun is best be achieved by clicking on the shotgun shell. It will automatically reload any empty shotguns you carry. Comments: Is much more useful with Basic Firearms Training. Some people favor the Shotgun over the Pistol, since it deals twice as much damage. The advantages end there. Shotgun Shells are found on a per-shell basis at roughly the same rate as Pistol Clips. Therefore for every shell you find you will find 6 pistol rounds. Also, since shells must be loaded individually, each shell fired is a product of 3 AP, 1 to find, 1 to load, and 1 to fire, thus making the shotgun rather inefficient. The frequent reloads will reduce the number of AP available for actual attacks, unless one carries several loaded shotguns. Also, the shotgun has a maximum damage of 20, while if every shot from a fully loaded pistol met its mark, it would deal 30. However some Shotguns are found already loaded, with one or two shells already in them. The exact ratio of this is unknown. If someone has information about this please update. That prevents the Shotgun from being the ultimate assault weapon, but it does not prevent it from being very powerful. Get the correct skills to fire the Shotgun accurately (as everyone should do before trying to use firearms), and use it to soften up your enemy a little (or a lot) before switching to another weapon for "the kill". People also like to use it for a "heavy firepower role". The amount of damage inflicted in only 2AP can make the difference between getting kill XP and running out of AP. Multiple Shotguns work even better in this role, especially when the player has high accuracy ratings. To use the shotgun for the final blow also helps in maximizing the XPs earned upon a single kill, as it always gives 20 XPs, regardless of the HP level of the victim. However you should exercise prudence and not waste precious shotgun shells on an enemy that can be dispatched just as easily with something else. Based on the maximum capacity of two (2) rounds, one may assume that the shotguns found in Malton are of the double-barreled, break-action variety. This is inconsistent with the shotgun's presence in modern police departments, as tactical shotguns are single-barreled and fed with a tubular magazine, typically holding 5 to 9 shells. Double barrel shotguns are popular with hunters, collectors, and Old West reenactors, accounting for their presence in Mall Gun Stores. Sawed-off versions may also be found in police evidence lockers as contraband. They pack a lot of firepower but are slow and cumbersome to reload. As to why are there no pump action, semiautomatic or otherwise modern high capacity shotguns are found in Malton Police Departments, it is most likely done to balance the game. Role-playing aspect is theorized by some that since Malton was a largely peaceful city before the Outbreak, the departments' firearm budgets were never given much priority. Instead, most of the money was spent on public service programs and shiny new patrol cars, most of which now lay ruined and rusting among the rubble.'' Flare Gun
Flare guns are commonly of the break action type and reload in a manner similar to a double barreled shotgun. However there are no loose flare rounds to be found in Urban Dead, nor any reloading of flare guns. Each flare gun item in the inventory represents a single shot. AmmunitionPistol Clip
Shotgun Shell
At A Glance