Talk:453rd Armed Medical Corps

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IMPORTANT Don't forget to add this page to your watchlist. i will be constantly adding new information on group status, current objectives, and general information vital to you and the groups well being.

1. URGENT MESSAGE all members of the 453rd we urge you to MEET AT The Wheals Arms IN Pepparville for important "classified" group information any member not in attendance will be discharged from the group the meeting will take place in 3 (three) weeks from today (15 August 2009)(8/15/09) I expect all members in attendance food* and drinks* will be provided. THANK YOU-Supflidowg 05:02, 26 July 2009 (BST)

  • food is an MRE packet and drinks will be beer (or wine if you prefer).

2. UPDATE even though Pepparville is danger level the Wheals Arms is still holding the group meeting is still being held but please hurry the barricade level to accommodate non-present members is a danger to the present members although the due date is still 15 AUGUST 2009 (8/15/09) hope to see you there (if your not there you relinquish membership privileges) thanks -Supflidowg 17:09, 7 August 2009 (BST)

3. ALERT due to me being attacked and turned the meeting is going to bee on the 21st -supflidowg 19:00, 18 August 2009 (BST)


1. 'mandatory group meeting

2. none available

3. none available

Complaint Department


My user page is here[1]

the group radio frequency is 26.62


For use by recruits of the 453rd Armed Medical Corps (please put newer communique at the bottom)

(To be recruited you must state your user name here[location optional])

Recruitment Notice


kingrisen...............O-1................-15:33, 6 July 2009 (BST)

Marcel Bruul...........E-9................-14:06, 13 July 2009 (BST)

mappel6................O-1................-14:07, 13 July 2009 (BST)

Geimdall................E-9................-13:52, 15 July 2009 (BST)

Major Simon Tam...O-4................-00:04, 17 July 2009 (BST)

Corpsman Dick........E-5.................-00:07, 17 July 2009 (BST)

Partick Putt.............E-5.................-00:31, 31 July 2009 (BST)

friboy..........................E-5..............16:52, 7 August 2009 (BST)


For use by anyone else.

I need directions to Pepperville from Earletown or i won't be able to attend the meeting (friboy) also is there an official Medical Corps radio frequency?

well Earletown is directly north of Pepperville so keep going south until your screen says Pepperville and the pub is almost dead center of the city (73,45 on a gps if you have it) and our radio frequency is 26.62(easy to remember isn't it?) but our current location has no generator or radio transceiver(Pepperville is currently red-level) so we can keep our location a secret from the MOB which are assaulting the suburb.

i may not be able to attend the meeting as i have become a zombie. I am awaiting revivification at Kemball Avenue in Pepperville but may not be revived in time.

I've got you, the corps always look out for each other -supflidowg 03:37, 13 August 2009 (BST)

update i'm a zombie outside the wheels arms