453rd Armed Medical Corps
453rd Armed Medical CorpsThe core was created approximately three days after the Malton outbreak.Our mission was and still is to protect any civillian of this city and attempt total rehabilitation of "infected" we mainly consist of military personnel and Necrotech employees but have began to recruit police, firefighters, and even civilians in the attempt to control the outbreak.Due to our scientific breakthroughs we have the regnisis serum,used as a preventitive mesure that allows us to keep mental and physical control of our bodys even when we become "infected" untill a revive can be administered.
Recruitment1.To become a recruit of the core you must first put your signature in the discussion page (link here[2] 2.Then type in your group bar "453rd Armed Medical Core recruit". Rules1.NEVER ATTACK FRENDLYS AND NON-COMBATIVES. 2.Always listen to officers. 3.Hostile forces are KILL ON SIGHT. 4.GKers, PKers, RKers and any person who shows hostility to friendlys or civilians are considered enemies and need to be reported to our wanted section
453rd official policiesall members of the Corps are to abide by these policies
CREED'We are the 453rd. We stand for our country. We stand for our Government. We stand for our People. We stand for our lives...
Allies1.D.I.T.P.S. 2.PantsMasters 3.ENVY 4.Roadnight Necromancers 5.Black Berets 6.CAPD 7.Ständige Vertretung 8. Common Survival
10. Tikhon General Staff 11. IDB 12. MFD 13. Lockettside Boys 14. Wulves Known Enemy Combatants(KILL ON SIGHT) individualUpdated every 2 months 453rd's MOST WANTED1. Igottawallet - Level 43 Zombie [3] 2. mjygv - Level 5 Zombie [4] 3. Mmorrrrpg - Level 20 Zombie [5] 4. Ramkoers - Level 23 Civilian [6] 5. Mortuus Cannibalus - Level 21 Zombie [7] 6. NeonGod - Level 43 Zombie [8] 7. Steven Seagel - Level 43 Zombie [9] 8. BobbyTheHumanSlayer - Level 12 Zombie [10] 9. Caloroth - Level 1 Zombie [11] 10. Council of eleven - Level 18 Zombie [12] 11. diogodom - Level 23 Civilian [13] 12. Dolerion - Level 3 Civilian [14] 13. Skip Siqqusim - Level 39 Zombie [15] 14. Trashcan Sam - Level 17 Civilian [16] 15. Zoggs - Level 17 Zombie [17] 16. zombieki11er02 - Level 17 Scientist [18] Known PKers1. Brahb - Level 43 Zombie 2. Charlie No - Level 12 Military 3. cristelmoon1 - Level 21 Zombie 4. Doc Horace - Level 21 Zombie 5. Gorfang Red Plague - Level 43 Zombie 6. Iraj Danaifard - Level 22 Zombie 7. Jacky Funkster - Level 32 Zombie 8. Jadec - Level 41 Zombie 9. Jauraz - Level 21 Zombie 10. JCZak - Level 43 Zombie 11. Johnathan Freeman - Level 20 Zombie 12. joshjosh420 - Level 43 Zombie 13. Kazeri - Level 42 Zombie 14. Liche - Level 21 Zombie 15. Liminus - Level 41 Military 16. Little Bill Daggett - Level 41 Civilian 17. MarvelZombie - Level 43 Zombie 18. Mr Rumplebottom - Level 33 Zombie 19. OatsNOFD - Level 43 Zombie 20. Ogen Blint - Level 41 Civilian 21. one eye worm - Level 17 Zombie 22. Perzeus - Level 41 Scientist 23. Red Scorpion - Level 41 Military 24. Sabastian Slater - Level 38 Military 25. scoopnog - Level 42 Zombie 26. Sock Stealer - Level 21 Zombie 27. Sodoff Baldrick - Level 14 Zombie 28. Stan Satan - Level 41 Zombie 29. Terpey - Level 41 Military 30. toucanater609 - Level 4 Zombie 31. Wesley Kinter - Level 22 Zombie 32. bouffon - Level 19 Zombie 33. BrainsEaseThePain - Level 27 Zombie 34. dikdik - Level 43 Zombie 35. Farmer of Cologne - Level 13 Zombie 36. Gotrek Gurnisson - Level 5 Zombie 37. Heino I - Level 15 Zombie 38. Heino II - Level 8 Zombie 39. Hoppeditz III - Level 20 Zombie 40. Johnson Large - Level 41 Military 41. Karl Skinner - Level 5 Zombie 42. kyutake - Level 22 Zombie 43. Mister Shambler - Level 21 Zombie 44. mpafomeat - Level 14 Zombie 45. Nueggel I - Level 18 Zombie 46. Nueggel II - Level 9 Zombie 47. Nueggel III - Level 10 Zombie 48. Officer Boris - Level 31 Zombie 49. Prince of Cologne - Level 18 Zombie 50. Ron Thal - Level 33 Civilian 51. rrr7 - Level 17 Zombie 52. shy3d - Level 8 Zombie Enemy Combatant Groups1.Dual Nature 2.The Undeadites 3.The Dead Bunnies 4.The End 5.The Brethren 6.Legends of Darkness 7.The Fortress 8.The Dead 9.The Plague 10.The Brethren 11.Militant Order of Barhah(MOB) 12.Mall Tour 13.Mayhem Attack Squad 14.The red sparks (carnival club of cologne) 15St. Ferreol's Hospital Noise Abatement Society 16.Rebel Alliance 17.Union of germanys far worst crooners TO MARK OUR POSITIONS TAG A CLEARED LOCATION WITH THE WORDS (A FLAMING EYE) OR (A RED CROSS AND GUN)
BadgesThis template is for 453rd recruit user page {{453rd Armed Medical Corps recruits}}
Revive requestsrequest revives on these sites