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Revision as of 02:23, 11 September 2009 by Alevins (talk | contribs) (→‎*yawn*)
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How wonderful!

You now have a talk page. Isn't that great? Anyways, I'm here on behalf of The Chocolate Thunder. In the past day, members of your group (WHYTRY in case you didn't already know) proceeded to raid one of our safehouses and dispose of some of our members. I was among the slaughtered; however, before I go jumping to conclusions, I'd just like to make sure that the people who raided our safehouse were in line with the intentions of your group. I'm assuming, or course, that this whole flareup is an antecedent to the death of Zhempz. Understandably, having one of your members killed in the name of Chocolate Thunder is hardly a bearable happening; be that as it may, Zhempz is no longer of any trouble to The Chocolate Thunder, he has changed his profile description, and it no longer is hate filled slander towards the Chocolate Thunder (which is punishable by death in Northern Yagoton). Never was it the intention of the Chocolate Thunder to create hard feelings and bitterness, towards Zhempz or WHYTRY, rather we intended only to judge those deserving of fatherly discipline and inflict said discipline. But while Zhempz's profile description no longer is condemning to the Chocolate Thunder, it rather implies that a war of sorts is being waged between us, us being the Chocolate Thunder and WHYTRY. If this is not so, and the intentions of the group entity WHYTRY are not aligned with the intentions of Zhempz and the character that killed me today, then simply let us know, so that we do not forgo the burden of combat in vain. By no means does the Chocolate Thunder desire a war between groups, but if said war is necessary, the Chocolate Thunder will wage it relentlessly. In the meantime, we wish you happy hunting! --Alevins 05:27, 2 July 2009 (BST)

Declaration of War

RESOLUTION Declaring that a state of war exists between the Philosophe Knights and the group known as WHYTRY and making provisions to prosecute the same. Whereas WHYTRY has committed unprovoked acts of war against the Philosophe Knights and the people of Malton: Therefore be it Resolved by the Philosophes of the Philosophe Knights and supported by the Knights assembled, That the state of war between the Philosophe Knights and WHYTRY which has thus been thrust upon the Knights is hereby formally declared; and the Philosophes are hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire military forces of the Knights and the resources of the Order to carry on war against WHYTRY; and, to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the Order are hereby pledged by the Philosophes of the Philosophe Knights to the utter elimination of those known as WHYTRY. --Ov 17 July 2009 (EST)


talk less kill more, all this "I don't want to fight crap" is old. grow a pair, and let's have at it.

[#] whytry - invite only.

We here at the Chocolate Thunder have "been at it" for a while. We're still waiting for you to go on some sort of offensive. We didn't know if you had started fighting or not, since the kill ratio between our two groups is so skewed in our favor. I guess we just wanted to make sure you knew what was going on; you know, in case it kinda went over your heads.
Invite only? I don't believe anybody here was seriously asking to join your group. --Alevins 04:01, 19 August 2009 (BST)

How many members are in your little shitsting operation anways? I've only ever seen 4 of you. And 2 of the 4 people in your little group have very very similiar names. You guys are shit stains.--N3wf 18:10, 8 September 2009 (BST)

There are actually five of us, but I'm not surprised you haven't seen number 5 yet. And about your little theory, you've probably seen me (Alevins5, if you didn't know), Scott7614 or whatever his number is, BA123, and Rlevins94. If you didn't connect the dots, let me draw them for you. Rlevins94 is my cousin, should you be so suspicious. Of course, you do seem the type to shout "zerg!!" at every possible chance you get. I haven't questioned the fact that at least two of your members have y7 in their name. If we were going to create a zerg, I wouldn't be stupid enough to give him practically the same name as me, and I was hoping you'd be intelligent enough to preemptively work the logic out yourself; however, I've learned to stop overestimating your group's intelligence.
And using profanities? Tisk tisk. Your mother must not have been able to nail the fact through your inevitably thick skull that using profanities in conversation is a sign of stupidity and lack of vocabulary. Once again; however, I am not surprised. Nor am I surprised to see that most of your group has left the suburb. At least, I haven't had contact with anyone except you and zhempz for weeks, (Need I say it?) and I am not surprised. I do applaud you and zhempz; however, for it seems like you two are the only brave souls to have remained in the greater Yagoton area. I must say, this "running away when people get angry and kill us" thing seems to be a recurring motif in your group. I was under the impression, after doing a little research, that your group was in southern malton. It appears; though, that you got run out of there by the Knights Templar. You will probably criticize us for having fewer members than us, but I would be careful. That's all the more reason you should be killing us more often, and quite frankly I've been doing just fine for the past few weeks, until I had a run in with zhempz (bravo, zhempz). You have twice the members we do, so why can't you do twice the job? It's gotten to the point where we've actually taken you guys off of our "current target" template.
On another note, did you know that shit, (which seems to be your unintelligent word of the day today) actually is an acronym for "Ship In High Transit"? When people in the olden days transported dry manure, they would put it on the lower deck of the boat. On wooden ships, moisture would build up and wet the manure, causing the fermentation process to began, and thus the creation of methane gas. When somebody went onto the lower deck with a lantern, the whole boat could explode. Thus, Ship in High Transit meant ship on a higher deck, so the manure wouldn't be moistened and create methane gas. Of course you didn't know that! You're a WHYTRY member! Silly me!
Oh, and if you plan on actually using wiki formatting, you put a single (or multiple) ":" in front of your post so it pushes the post to the right, thus making it conversation format. I thought you ought to know. --Alevins 03:20, 11 September 2009 (BST)
And incidentally, if you want to talk to the Browncoats, we ask that you use their talk page - not ours, to do so. It makes things confusing for us and others, so please, use the wiki the way it's meant to be used. --Alevins 03:23, 11 September 2009 (BST)