St. Callistus's Church (Brooksville)
St. Callistus's Church
Brooksville [34,64]
Basic Info:
St. Callistus' Church was opened at the turn of the century, and is located in the heart of Brooksville. Just south of the church, located in its cemetery is the suburb's revive point.
St. Callistus's Clergy, a band of homicidal lunatics lead by Bloody Tom sometimes reside here. Visitors are warned not to stay over night.
Barricade Policy
In accordance with Brooksville's barricading policy, St. Callistus's Church should be kept at a maximum barricade level of Very Strongly to allow entry and haven for recently revived citizens.
Base of Operations for the Holy Kickass Brooksville Republic! since May 2008
Current Status
10/5/2009 You are standing outside St Callistus's Church, a small grey-stone building with stern gargoyles along its guttering. The building has been very strongly barricaded. Also here is Bowers17. Lights are on inside. Somebody has spraypainted Entry point VS only onto a wall. There is a lone zombie here. There are two dead bodies here. LtPebble 01:28, 6 October 2009 (BST)
5/25/2009 You are inside St Callistus's Church. The building has been very strongly barricaded.Somebody has spraypainted Entry Point: Cades at VSB+2 onto a wall.--Dr Mycroft Chris 04:44, 26 May 2009 (BST)
VSB with people in it. --Major Dick 05:28, 10 February 2009 (UTC)