
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 12:18, 21 June 2010 by Lucifer210 (talk | contribs)
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 Lucifer210 Active
Alive | [ [ | Private

My inventory as of 05:58, 13 June 2010 (BST)
Fire Axe, Knife, Pistol (1)(6)(6)(6), Shotgun (0)(2)(2),
Flak Jacket, Fuel Can, Mobile Phone, Satellite Phone, Portable Generator, Radio (25.92 MHz), Radio (27.50 MHz), Radio (25.96MHz), Toolbox

Encumbrance: 100%

NOTE 1: If I am injured, go tell me to FAK myself... unless you want some easy XP Please disregard this, for now
NOTE 2: Text me ingame if you want my Sat #

Joined: 2010-03-26
Character style: Pro-Survivor/Dual Nature
Favorite equipment: Radio (25.92 MHz)
Current status: Learning the ropes
Group: CORAM
What my Style means As a zombie, I'll attack a survivor outside my group
Zombie kills as survivor Six (6)
Survivor kills as Zombie Zero (0)

Firefox.png Firefox User
Lucifer210 uses Firefox.
Aussieflag.JPG Australian
Lucifer210 is Australian.
Male.jpeg Male
Lucifer210 is male.
Dead.gif Urban Dead
Lucifer210 plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
Macho.jpg Armed Force
This User started out in the Military Class as a Private with basic firearms training, a pistol and spare ammunition.
Good grooming.jpg Good Grooming
Lucifer210 practices good grooming habits, and recommends that other Malton survivors do too.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
Lucifer210 supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Familyguy.gif Annoying Relatives
Lucifer210 has at least one annoying relative that plays Urban Dead.
RAF Private.jpg Private
Lucifer210 is a private in the military and is probably off pumping lead into a zombie.
Newfireaxe.jpg Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.
Crucifix.jpg Stop Suggesting Crap!
Lucifer210 supports
intelligent suggestions because:
Crucifixes should be useless,
just like in real life.
Redskull.jpg Violence is quicker
Both diplomacy and violence solve problems. But violence is quicker.
Trench coat.jpg Anti-Trenchcoater
Lucifer210 finds people with 20 shotguns and katanas to be obnoxious.
Backpacker.JPG Curse You Encumbrance!!!
This user carries around a lot of crap.
Cemetery stones 2.jpg Kill Count
Lucifer210 has killed six zombies.
Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is his Shotgun.
Mester-block.jpg THE MESTER ARMS
if u was high so was i

The Mester Arms

My Achievements


ToonGun.png Hit Man (5pts)
This User successfully killed a Zombie with their Pistol.


Cell-phone.jpg I Got The Message


This user received a text message on Urban Dead. Popularity here they come!!

{{PistolWhore}} 4/50 kills
{{ProSurvivor}} 9/22 Skills
{{ShotGunWhore}} 2/50 kills

StreetCerd.JPG I Gots Street Cred Yo! (50pts)
This User survived 3 hours or more standing outside on the street as a Human with out getting killed.

{{ZedtotheBone}} 0/21 skills (Never gonna happen)