Category talk:Historical Events

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Revision as of 03:26, 8 September 2010 by Justin Scott (talk | contribs) (→‎Yes)
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Obtaining Historical Status

A policy is in place which outlines the method to attain historical status.

  1. Events must have been declared over.
  2. The event must have affected either multiple suburbs or how the game was played for a group, such as triggering a change.
  3. A nomination should be made on Category_talk:Historical Events.
  4. An announcement should be made on Wiki News, and {{HistoricalEventVoting}} should be put on the event's wiki page.
  5. Within two weeks of a nomination, the Event must be approved by 2/3 of the voters, with a minimum of 15 voters (or 10 YES votes) for a nomination to pass. The only allowable votes are Yes and No
  6. Events that pass will be added to the category as described below.
  7. Events must allow a week to pass between nominations.

Nominations for Historical Status

Blackmore 4(04)

On August 19th, 2010, 404: Barhah not found repaired The Blackmore Building in what the group's leaders called a "failed pinata attempt." This so-called "Failed Pinata" stood for 13 days in the heart of Ridleybank and weathered innumerable attacks from the RRF Constables, ferals, PKers, and elements of the RRF before finally succumbing on August 31 to a joint strike by the Constables and Team America.

Blackmore 4(04) was one of the longest large sieges since the introduction of cade blocking. It included over 300 participants from over thirty groups, several of which seemed to have made a brief return from retirement to celebrate the original Battle of Blackmore's 4th anniversary.

One final point of interest was the introduction of Bellow, which got it's first real demonstration at Blackmore. Surprisingly, the skill appeared to be a dual-edged sword- while it did attract many ferals to the event, it also emptied the surrounding area of it's traditional feral cloud. Several survivor groups were able to take advantage of this drop in zombie numbers to repair larg-ish sections of central Malton- the jury is still out on how long these hideout will hold, of course. :) ~ Red Hawk One Talk | space for lease 03:38, 8 September 2010 (BST)


  1. It's been quite a while since I've seen something this big. ~ Red Hawk One Talk | space for lease 03:38, 8 September 2010 (BST)
  2. Aye, go for it. For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee 03:41, 8 September 2010 (BST)
  3. Both for the accomplishment of lasting as long and drawing as much attention as it did, as well as being a nice showcase for the new skills for survivors and zombies. --Maverick Talk - OBR Praise Knowledge! 404 03:47, 8 September 2010 (BST)
  4. Meatpuppet vote a-go! Erm...I mean...yes, the event was most certainly historically significant. It garnered widespread attention and attendance from a large number of the major groups currently in the game. For an impromptu event, it was unprecedented in recent years. As an event in general, it stands alone in that it proved that it is still possible to stand up against dedicated strike teams over an extended period of time in this post-interference era. It also deserves historical status as a testament to the immense efforts of those involved on all sides, some of which never had a chance to come to fruition. For instance, had it not cracked when it did, we'd be writing about the piñata strategy that the RRF used to finally crack the place a few days later. Either way, it is an event set apart and deserving of the historical status. Aichon 03:50, 8 September 2010 (BST)
  5. I disagree with almost everything said in the above summary. There was 10 days of fending off a large, but completely feral horde, 2 days of Zombie River Tactics, and 1 day of siege. However, this plague of ridiculous Pro-Life POV doesn't make the event less than significant. --VVV RPMBG 04:17, 8 September 2010 (BST)
  6. I vote yes because of the Naked Twister.



  • Battle of Blackmore
  • First Siege of Caiger Mall
  • Malton Iditarod
  • Second Siege of Caiger Mall
  • Third Siege of Caiger Mall
  • Battle of the Bear Pit
  • The Siege of Giddings Mall
  • Yahoomas day
  • The Battle of Santlerville
  • Valentine's Day Massacre
  • Mall Tour '07
  • Malton Block Party
  • User:RadioSurvivor

Nominations for Removal of Historical Status

Historical Events Discussion

Secondary list of chronological order?

Any votes against the creation of a timeline below the alphabetically ordered list of historical events? I'd list the events along with the dates they ran. I just think it'd provide for a more reasonable reading of this page, and world lore. Jeffool 10:55, 23 February 2008 (UTC)

On a Category page nothing can go below the alphabetical list, however, if anyone is interested in making something like this it could be useful, although I think one might already exist somewhere. And I found it Timeline--Karekmaps?! 13:03, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
Although it looks like that needs much reworking.--Karekmaps?! 13:04, 23 February 2008 (UTC)