Gabba Gabba

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 03:44, 30 September 2010 by Vapor (talk | contribs)
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Under-constgruction-transparent.png Gabba Gabba is under construction.
It is either not completed or is about a subject or event which has yet to finish.
Feel free to check back later for an update in information.


Welcome to Gabba Gabba!

What is Gabba Gabba?

Gabba Gabba is a community message board and URL sharing service with a twist. Each message on the Gabba Gabba message board has its own unique Gabba Gabba ID. These IDs can be posted in game, directing players to this wiki page to retrieve your message. In-game, just say "Gabba Gabba" followed by your message ID. It's that easy to direct players to a message.

Peer reviewed?

Are you leery of following URLs given out in game or on the wiki? You've got good reason. That URL could lead to spam, a malicious website, something NSFW or even the a oft annoying Rick Roll. With Gabba Gabba, URLs are peer reviewed and noted as being safe or unsafe. Give your audience the peace-of-mind that the URL you're giving is safe to click on.

Who Can Use This?

Anyone! Unique IDs were designed to consist only of letters found in Zamgrh, the language of the undead. So zombies with Death Rattle and survivors alike can post IDs in-game. The name Gabba Gabba itself is even Zamgrh friendly.

You don't need to be a wiki expert to use Gabba Gabba, either. If you can copy and paste, you can use the service. Keep reading to find out how.

To post a new message:
1. Copy the wiki markup code below

|Gabba Gabba ID:=nrmb-ggza

2. Click the link below to edit the message board section.
3. Paste the code directly below the line that states '''paste code here'''.
4. Fill in the Message:= line with your message or URL. If posting a URL, type yes after the URL?:= line. Make sure to include http:// at the beginning of all URLs.
5. Click Save. You're now ready to share your Gabba Gabba ID in-game! Just say or broadcast "Gabba Gabba" followed by your unique ID
Click Here to edit the message board section
So you've been given a Gabba Gabba ID in game; now what?

You'll need to find the ID on the table below. The easiest way is to tell your browser to search for it. Using most browsers, just hold Ctrl and F on your keyboard. A search bar should open up. Just paste the ID you've been given, hit enter and your browser will take you to the area of the message board. Then just take a look to the right of the highlighted ID to see the message. Older messages will be archived so if it's been a while since you received the code, check here.

Peer Reviewing

You can help the project by peer reviewing URL messages posted on the message board. If you visit a URL from the board and can confirm that it is safe, just enter the following information to the line directly below the user timestamp.

|Peer Reviewed=yes
|Safe=yes (or no if not safe)
|Reviewer=(your name)

When signing your review, please only type the name you use on the wiki. Using a signature line will mess up the template.

Message Board

Gabba Gabba ID Message User Timestamp
azmz-mbaz Welcome to Gabba Gabba, a community message board and URL sharing service with a twist.
--~Vsig.png 18:10, 24 September 2010 (BST)