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Team Anaconda

"Team Anaconda" "About the Team" "Joining"
"Recent Operations" "Past Leadership" "Related Pages"

Structure of Anaconda

Nickname - The Condas

Our Team Roster

  • Commander: Destro Night (HL) (Aug 4, 2011 - present)
  • Lieutenant: Zula B Goode (CAO)
  • Sergeant: Grevane (CAO)
  • Vigilance Legend: Miss Elainious
  • Vigilance Overlord: Lucy Daniels, Jason Valer
  • Havoc Lord: Beatlepuss
  • Havoc Knight: Hawke2019, Igor Dolvitch
  • Campaign Master: Mondie, Telentis, CouponBaller
  • Campaign Warrior: Rob Kirkman
  • Chief Assault Officer: Grevane, Serence
  • Assault Officer: Tinkler, Sprontalic2, Joe Rocket, Ieatflesh01, Thoroaeborus
  • Battalion Ranger: Eskymo Welzl
  • Conflict Trooper: ---
  • Deployment Soldier: Vealor
  • Engagement Squaddie: Shin Kang, clockworkArchivist
  • Freedom Fighter: ---
  • General Enforcement: Dylan Mak Tyme

Current leadership expectations and style

Commander Destro Night - Young and passionate Commander with a deep sense of pride for his team. Commander Destro Night ensures that Anaconda exploits every AP in order to gain the advantage, especially when outnumbered. Frequently organizes real-time strikes with MSN coordination. Expects exceptional results, but likes to see the troops having fun above anything else.

The Identity of Anaconda Anaconda has had a solid and noble history and led the way in innovation and standards. Condas are serious about their daily work and love to be challenged. Anaconda’s goals are not accomplished by individual efforts, but rather by collective efforts: the team working as one, strong, singular force. To be an Anaconda is a stamp of approved quality.

Anaconda: The Original Fortress Combat Team

Why Join the 'A' Team

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Recent Operations


  • Mini Operation: The Fortress Afterparty Sep 22 - Oct 2, 2011

After celebrating The Fortress' birthday party with their mates from all over the group, playing pranks, remembering long-forgotten faces, moments and the good ol' ale, the Condas saw themselves in the middle of chaos. The statues were broken, the paintings were wet, dead zombies in the sofa and party hats all over the place. They decided it was time to settle and clean all the waste they had done. It was no easy task but they took their positions and battled. For 11 days they battled. Our glorious warriors and their teams did wreak havoc on the zombified residents of Malton. It was hard to believe afterwards but in the middle of a ruined city its half-dead citizens were living once again in luxury.


  • Operation: Deadliest Warrior Aug 14 - Sep 21, 2011

A long time ago a challenge was made, a challenge between two deadly, killing machines. The calm and collective Beatlepuss and the cold blooded, axe swinging madman Grevane. To settle the dispute we moved to the battle arena of Spicer Hills. Being split up into two teams, each headed by one of our fearsome warriors:
A renowned combat vet, Beats and his team were no strangers to war. Slicing down their opponents with precision and skill, those methodical warriors were a force to be reckoned with. The wild men, Grevane and his team quickly ran into battle and drawed first blood, they had no fear. All that was left was a carnage never seen before. Two great warriors, two great killing machines, but we just had to know, Who Is DEADLIEST!!


  • Operation: Graffiti the World Aug 1 - Aug 14, 2011

The Anacondas were sent deep into Houldenbank with aims of recovering the 'burb, normal stuff. But this time they were asked to restock on spray cans till the teeth. With all loaded up they ganged to tag anything and everything they could find. The walking dead included. Flooding the local pubs, making notable speeches to the large crowds and supporting the newly born, this was a Conda recruitment drive! Making themselves known while recovering, the suburb saw itself blow in a new wave of art. The operation gave fruits and many of our members took the opportunity to score on their Head Hunters.


  • Operation: Stalkers Jul 6 - Aug 1, 2011

With LT Destro Night gone off to assist in running Boot Camp, he thought he would have to go for two weeks without the support of his team. Alas, there was no time for tears of longing, for as soon as the LT arrived at the BC grounds, he turned and found Anaconda hot on his tracks, and he feared that there wasn't a whole lot of 'support' in those rolled up newspapers...
Anaconda joined up with Boot Camp and assisted in retaking Whittenside, the home of Fortress 1. It was a slow and uneasy battle, for both Anaconda in dealing with the zeds, and Boot Camp in dealing with Anaconda. In a competitive OP centered around some harsh newspaper smacking, the Conda's set out to make sure of one thing: Though LT Destro and LT Sac were covering for Chucks vacation, it would be no vacation for them!


  • Operation: Southern Comfort Jun 21 - Jul 6, 2011

We've toured as one big team through Malton, kicking down (building up?) the doors of The Dead, putting them down where ever they go. But now it is time for us to go our own way again, and do what we do best. Kicking ass! So grab your gear, load your guns, and by god, don't forget the booze!
Goin down south. All the way back down to Folkes Village. Then going party on all the way over to Locketside, and bring some of our own Southern Love to the Tompson Mall! So lets get down there. And you can pick your poison on the way! Rebuilding, reviving and partyin through all of it, Team Anaconda moved to the southern suburbs and brought some love to the table.

Enjoy Anaconda's 2008/2009 and 2010/2011 Operations.

Past Leadership

Related Pages