Games of the Victus Mortuus

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By the wisdom of the Consuls, this event is being planned for May 2012


Nearly six years after the initial outbreak, Pluto's wrath still fervently rages onward in the hordes of the undead. In order to appease his thirst for blood and pacify the advancing hordes, Consul Virgilius Maro and Scipio the Great of the New Roman Republic have seen in it their wisdom to establish and hold games for the citizenry of Malton and to appease the gods in gladitorum. The sands of Floyde Stadium will be consecrated in blood, and Malton shall hear the roar of the arena for the first time, harkening back to an era of old.

About the Event

The First Annual Games of the Victus Mortuus is a Malton wide event, sponsored by the New Roman Republic. Mirroring ancient forms of gladiator combat, this event is a tournament that pits player vs. player in a test of wills and combat prowess to determine who is the gladatorial champion of Malton. Interested parties are invited to sign up on this page in order to compete. As the event continues, the two finalists will engage in the Primus, the winner achieving the above title and fame throughout the Urban Dead community.

The Arena

But Wait! Are You Supporting PKing?

No. Combatants are allowed to engage one another in specific squares, following the rules of the games. Players who are killed will be directed to a revive point where a New Roman Republic member will immediately revive them. Both players in the combat have agreed to engage one another, thus taking away the one-sided nature of a PK event. The event's focus is rooted in engaging the Urban Dead community in a satisfying role-playing experience and to grow the interest in the game. The New Roman Republic and her allies are staunchly against player killing, and will punish any offenders based off of Roman Law.