Melee Weapons

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Revision as of 22:17, 31 October 2012 by ZaqWer (talk | contribs) (Added: must have knife to carve pumpkin)
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Damage 2 points
Base accuracy 5%
Locations Power Stations (6.7%/7.2%), Warehouses (4%/5%), Auto Repair Shops (3%), Factories (3.7%/4.2%), Junkyards (1%?), Mall Hardware Store (?%), Vehicle Depots (?%)
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 5% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.1
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 0.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 500 Attacks
Average Damage Per AP: 0.4
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 2
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 125 Attacks
  • Other Uses:
A crowbar's chance to hit a barricade is not halved like other weapons used to break one down.

Comments: As a weapon, the crowbar is less accurate than baseball bats but more accurate than fists. Although crowbars are of little use as weapons, their accuracy is not halved against barricades (for survivors only), and opening a Supply Crate with a crowbar appears to increase the chances of opening the crate with a particular action (and comes with different flavor text). As such, they are of special note to PKers, zombie spies, griefers, those without Free Running, and those seeking to maintain barricade levels according to an Optimal Defense Diagram or repair a 'piñata'. Before the update of August 24th 2007, a survivor with the Knife Combat skill could hit barricades more easily with a knife than with a crowbar. However, as of the update, knives can no longer be used to damage barricades. This change made the crowbar one of the most effective de-barricading weapons, matched only by a fire axe used by a survivor with Axe Proficiency.

Crowbars are blunt melee weapons which may be used by zombies if carried at the time of death. However, since its accuracy is inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, this weapon is of limited use.

Baseball Bat

Damage 2 points
Base accuracy 10%
Encumbrance 2%
Locations Mall Sports Stores (41%/20%), Stadiums (13%), Clubs (1%), Pubs (1%), Junkyards (1%?)
Baseball bat.png
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.2
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 1
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 250 Attacks
Average Damage Per AP: 0.5
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 2.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks

Comments: While more accurate than fists, the baseball bat cannot kill an enemy completely within 50 AP. The lack of damage and accuracy is unfortunate, as one could imagine killing a zombie with a baseball bat would be a very satisfying RP experience.

Zombies could originally only use baseball bats, crowbars, and lengths of pipe; later updates enabled them to also use almost all "sporting related" weapons, such as this one, but excluding the fencing foil. However, since their accuracies are inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, these weapons are of limited use.

Length of Pipe

Damage 2 points
Base accuracy 10%
Encumbrance 4%
Locations Factories (6.4%/9.2%), Power Stations (3.3%/3.6%), Warehouses (8%/10%), Junkyards (1%?), Storehouses (?%)
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.2
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 1
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 250 Attacks
Average Damage Per AP: 0.5
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 2.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks
  • Other Uses:
A survivor unskilled in Construction can use a pipe to create a crude barricade.

Comments: As with the other low damage, low accuracy weapons, a length of pipe is a less ideal weapon. Other than having a slightly higher encumbrance factor, it is identical in statistics to the Baseball Bat.

As of August 24th 2007, lengths of pipe can be used by unskilled survivors as a crude form of barricade, effectively making the building loosely barricaded. Lengths of pipe are still subject to zombie barricade blocking when attempting to barricade a building occupied by zombies.

Lengths of pipe are blunt melee weapons which may used by zombies if carried at the time of death. However, since its accuracy is inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, this weapon is of limited use.


Damage 2 points
Base accuracy 20%
Encumbrance 2%
Locations Mall Hardware Stores (3%/7%), Junkyards (1%), Fort Infirmaries (?%), Schools (1%?), Pubs (1%?), Motels (?%), Mall Sports Stores(?%), Armories (?%)
Suvival Knife.png
  • Starting Skill: 20% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.4
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 2
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 125 Attacks
Average Damage Per AP: 0.7
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 3.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 74 Attacks
Average Damage Per AP: 1.0
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 50 Attacks

Comments: Unlike the baseball bat and length of pipe, the knife has an additional combat skill that can boost its accuracy, and has the second highest starting accuracy. With knife combat, it has the highest accuracy of any melee weapon. A knife with Knife Combat is a bit more accurate than an axe with Axe Proficiency. However, the knife's lower damages equals less damage per AP than the axe, but more damage per AP than blunt weapons. The rate of AP to damage makes the knife less optimal as a primary weapon.

The knife is the favoured weapon for GK and RK, as the amount of damage delivered is unimportant in those cases since generator damage is based solely on number of hits. A pistol or shotgun can hit more often per attack, but costs more AP per hit considering looking for ammo.

It was once actually easier to de-barricade a building using a knife (1/2 of 50%) than using a crowbar (20%), assuming the character had Knife Combat. This was changed by the updates of the 24th of August 2007 as knives stopped being capable of damaging barricades.

You must have a knife in your possession to carve a pumpkin.

Fire Axe

Damage 3 points
Base accuracy 10%
Locations Fire Stations (6%), Mall Hardware Stores (4%/7%), Warehouses (4%/5%), Factories (2.9%/4.6%), Auto Repair Shops (2%), Junkyards (1%?), Vehicle Depots (?%); Power Stations (2.1%/4.8%)
Encumbrance 6%
Fire axe.png
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.3
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 1.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 170 Attacks
Average Damage Per AP: 0.75
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 3.75
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 68 Attacks
Average Damage Per AP: 1.2
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks: 6
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 43 Attacks

Comments: Despite the fire axe's inability to take down more than one zombie per 50AP-cycle, it is relatively easy to master (Firefighters need only to buy Hand-to-Hand Combat to have the full 40% Accuracy), and does higher damage than zombie claw attacks if the zombie does not possess Rend Flesh. Also, it requires no ammo, so the character doesn't have to spend days worth of AP searching for pistol clips or shotgun shells before moving in for the next run. The combination fire axe and a few first aid kits allow a player to become a self-sufficient single-person assault team if they so desire. Axes are also useful against barricades when Axe Proficiency is earned. Even though the accuracy is halved, an axe still hits at 20%: equal to the attack percentage of the crowbar.

Many solo and support players favour the axe over firearms, though the situation is not as clear as some portray it. With the fire axe, there is no need to search for ammunition in buildings such as Police Departments and malls that are often targeted by zombies. With Hand-to-Hand Combat and Axe Proficiency, the fire axe allows for the possibility of single-handedly wiping out a zombie in a single playing session and then going back into cover after each kill, thus allowing a very regular rate of XP gain. The pistol and shotgun, however, are preferred in situations where the aim is to do a great deal of damage within one session, at the cost of spending many other sessions searching for ammo and loading weapons. A combined firearms/axe approach can also work very well. It has been confirmed that opening a Supply Crate with a fire axe can damage the contents, reducing the amount of items received.

Cricket Bat

Damage 3 points
Base Accuracy 10%
Locations Mall Sports Stores, Stadiums, Junk yards
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.3
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 170 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.75
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 3.75
To kill 50HP Enemy: 68 Attacks

Comments: The cricket bat stats are almost the same as an unskilled fire axe, and two less encumbrance.

This is no doubt a reference to Shaun of the Dead, where the main character's primary weapon versus zombies is a cricket bat.

Zombies could originally only use baseball bats, crowbars, and lengths of pipe; later updates enabled them to also use almost all "sporting related" weapons, such as this one, but excluding the fencing foil. However, since their accuracies are inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, these weapons are of limited use.

Fencing Foil

Damage 2 points
Base accuracy 10%
Locations Mall Sports Stores, Stadiums, Schools
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.2
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 250 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.5
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 2.5
To kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks

Comments: The foil has identical attack and damage characteristics to the baseball bat and therefore remains a poor choice of weapon in most situations. This might be due to the fact most foils one would come across are sports equipment and therefore blunt and pliable.

Even a broken foil with a sharpened tip cannot be sharpened into an edged weapon, and therefore can only do piercing damage to a zombie, which would be insufficient to render the zombie "safe".

The fencing foil is the only "sporting related" weapon unable to be used as a zombie.

Golf Club

Damage 2 points
Base accuracy 10%
Locations Mall Sports Stores, Stadiums
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.2
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 250 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.5
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 2.5
To kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks

Comments: Not any better in terms of accuracy or damage than a length of pipe or crowbar, and also harder to find and just as heavy (4% encumbrance). The baseball bat is lighter, and the knife both lighter and more effective. In "real life" anti-zombie combat, a golf club shaft would bend pretty easily, rendering it all but useless. The inclusion of the golf club is likely another reference to Shaun of the Dead, as the character Yvonne is shown carrying one.

Zombies could originally only use baseball bats, crowbars, and lengths of pipe; later updates enabled them to also use almost all "sporting related" weapons, such as this one, but excluding the fencing foil. However, since their accuracies are inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, these weapons are of limited use.

Hockey Stick

Hockey Stick.png
Damage 3 points
Base accuracy 10%
Locations Mall Sports Stores, Stadiums
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.3
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 170 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.75
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 3.75
To kill 50HP Enemy: 68 Attacks

Comments: Although a hockey stick offers 2% less encumbrance than the fire axe, the accuracy cannot be improved as much as the axe as with the Axe Proficiency skill.

Zombies could originally only use baseball bats, crowbars, and lengths of pipe; later updates enabled them to also use almost all "sporting related" weapons, such as this one, but excluding the fencing foil. However, since their accuracies are inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, these weapons are of limited use.

Pool Cue

Pool Cue.png
Damage 2 points
Base accuracy 25%
Locations Mall Sports Stores, Stadiums, Pubs (3%?)
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.5
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 2.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 40% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.8
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 4
To kill 50HP Enemy: 63 Attacks

Comments: The pool cue splinters and breaks approximately 20% of the time, or on every fifth hit. It has a higher starting accuracy than the knife, and even with Hand-to-Hand Combat it is still more accurate, but as noted, it is a fragile weapon and should be used only when a superior weapon is unavailable. Characters favouring this weapon might want to have more than one on hand to use if (when) the others break. The inclusion of a pool cue may be another reference to the movie Shaun of the Dead, as the characters fight a zombie with pool cues.

Zombies could originally only use baseball bats, crowbars, and lengths of pipe; later updates enabled them to also use almost all "sporting related" weapons, such as this one, but excluding the fencing foil. However, since their accuracies are inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, these weapons are of limited use.

Ski Pole

Ski Pole.png
Damage 2 points
Base Accuracy 10%
Locations Mall Sports Stores, Stadiums, Schools
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.2
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 250 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.5
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 2.5
To kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks

Comments: Not any better in terms of accuracy or damage than a length of pipe or crowbar, and also harder to find and just as heavy (4% encumbrance). The baseball bat is lighter, and the knife both lighter and more effective. In "real life" anti-zombie combat, a ski pole would bend pretty easily, rendering it all but useless.

Zombies could originally only use baseball bats, crowbars, and lengths of pipe; later updates enabled them to also use almost all "sporting related" weapons, such as this one, but excluding the fencing foil. However, since their accuracies are inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, these weapons are of limited use.

Tennis Racket

Tennis Racket.png
Damage 2 points
Base Accuracy 10%
Locations Mall Sports Stores, Stadiums, Junkyards
Encumbrance 4%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.2
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 250 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.5
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 2.5
To kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks

Comments: Not any better in terms of accuracy or damage than a length of pipe or crowbar, and also harder to find and just as heavy (4% encumbrance). The baseball bat is lighter, and the knife both lighter and more effective.

Zombies could originally only use baseball bats, crowbars, and lengths of pipe; later updates enabled them to also use almost all "sporting related" weapons, such as this one, but excluding the fencing foil. However, since their accuracies are inferior to unskilled zombie attacks, these weapons are of limited use.


Damage 2 points
Base Accuracy 10%
Locations Mall Hardware Stores, Auto Repair Shops, Factories, Fort Vehicle Depot, Fort Storehouse, Power Station
Encumbrance 16%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.2
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 250 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.5
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 2.5
To kill 50HP Enemy: 100 Attacks

Comments: Originally only used for barricading and repairing ruins, the May 28th update allowed toolboxes and some other items to be used as weapons. It has the same damage and accuracy as other makeshift weapons, like the baseball bat, but is much heavier and is therefore not advised as a main weapon. It could however serve as a backup weapon for a barricader who runs out of ammunition.

Fuel Can

Fuel can.png
Damage 1 point + chance to soak target's clothes in fuel
Base Accuracy 10%
Locations Auto Repair shops, Factories, Warehouses, Carparks, Power Stations, Junkyards, Storehouses, Vehicle Depots, Streets
Encumbrance 10%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.1
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 0.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 500 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.25
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 1.25
To kill 50HP Enemy: 200 Attacks

Comments: Originally used only to fuel generators, the fuel can can now be used as a melee weapon after the May 28th 2008 update. This weapon has the same damage and accuracy as an unskilled punch, so its usefulness as a weapon is very limited. Zombies can use this weapon, but with only a 10% chance to hit regardless of skills.

Attacking with it might also soak the target in fuel (this can be seen on the target's profile; either their clothes become fuel-soaked, or if they weren't wearing any, the description tells that they're now wearing "some fuel stains"). The fuel can has a chance to become empty with every hit, and is automatically discarded when emptied.

Firing a flare gun at a fuel-soaked player does 30 damage (24 if the target is wearing a flak jacket), rather than the 15 from a normal flare gun hit.

Beer/Wine Bottle

Broken Beer.jpg
Damage 3 points
Base accuracy 10%
Locations Warehouses; Mall liquor stores; Auto Repair Shops; Pubs; Clubs; Barracks; Churches
Encumbrance 2%
  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.3
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 1.5
To Kill 50HP Enemy: 170 Attacks
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 25% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.75
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 3.75
To kill 50HP Enemy: 68 Attacks

Comments: Previously not usable as a weapon, alcoholic beverages were given offensive capabilities by the May 28th 2008 update. Beer/Wine bottles have the same damage and accuracy as fire axe. However, a bottle will be smashed and be removed from your inventory after just one swing. This, combined with the fact that fire axe's accuracy can be improved further with Axe Proficiency skill, makes bottle a less useful substitute.


Damage 0 points
Base accuracy 100%
Locations Mall bookstores; Hospitals; Pubs; Gatehouses
Encumbrance 2%
  • Starting Skill: 100% Accuracy
Average Damage per AP: 0.0
Average Damage per 5 Attacks : 0.0
To Kill 50HP Enemy: not applicable
  • Hand To Hand Combat: 100% Accuracy
Average Damage Per AP: 0.0
Average Damage Per 5 Attacks : 0.0
To kill 50HP Enemy: not applicable

Comments: Not useful as a weapon per se, but if you have a newspaper, you can use it to swat at any target you could attack in combat as a silent way of informing the target you are / were present, to "count coup", or to be funny. As with many "household item" weapons, newspapers were made combat-capable on May 28, 2008.

At A Glance

Name Dmg Enc Acc Acc+1 Acc+2 Zombie use? Notes
Baseball Bat 2 2% 10% 25% Y
Cricket Bat 3 4% 10% 25% Y
Crowbar 2 4% 5% 20% Y Retains full accuracy when attacking barricades
Fencing Foil 2 4% 10% 25% N Only sporting equipment weapon unable to be used as a zombie
Fire Axe 3 6% 10% 25% 40% N
Golf Club 2 4% 10% 25% Y
Hockey Stick 3 4% 10% 25% Y
Length of Pipe 2 4% 10% 25% Y Can be used to make loose barricade without Construction skill
Knife 2 2% 20% 35% 50% N Cannot damage barricades
Effective weapon for GK and RK
Pool Cue 2 4% 25% 40% Y Breaks easily (expendable weapon)
Ski Pole 2 4% 10% 25% Y
Tennis Racket 2 4% 10% 25% Y
Toolbox 2 16% 10% 25% Y
Fuel Can 1 10% 10% 25% Y Can soak the target with fuel, causing the target to take double damage from flare gun.
Beer/Wine Bottle 3 2% 10% 25% Y Breaks (removed from inventory) if used as weapon
Can be used to "attack" generator, with special message
Newspaper 0 2% 100% N Used for silent communication / humor value, not damage

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