User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Help/a

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Revision as of 21:33, 9 February 2008 by A Helpful Little Gnome (talk | contribs)
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Below you will find a list of what all those little bits of code mean and do. Have any questions or something you want added here? Feel free to ask.

Things you should know

Tags like <small> and <big> can be stacked, so something like:


Would make very small text.

You can also make InterWiki links, which remove the annoying box with an arrow thing that is seen in external links. It's also quicker than making plain links:
<span class="plainlinks">[ plain links]</span>

Here is a list of the ones that work on this wiki. No shortcuts work from what I can tell.





Remember, if you're linking to something that has the Wikipedia prefix, and that isn't a redirect, you need two. So [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia:IAR|IAR]] will get you IAR.


<div style="width:250px;border: solid 2px black;background: honeydew; padding: 5px;margin-left:2px">

Comes out like so:



Width: This is the width of the box. You can specify it to whatever size you like, but keep in mind that (px)pixels will start breaking the page for small monitors when approaching 850 or more. Percent on the other hand, is just like it says, a certain percent of the page. 100% will fill the width of the page while 50% will fill half.

Border: This is the border of the box and should be in the order shown. It will border the entire box unless you specify it only do a few sides. Ex. border-left: solid 1px black will create a border on the left side only. Alternatively, if you have border: solid 1px black;border-left:none then the left side will have no border. For another style, you can switch "solid" for "dashed" which make the border dashed instead of a solid line.

Background: The background of the box can be anything listed in web colors.

Padding: Specifies the space between the border and the content inside the box.

Margin: Like padding, except it changes the space outside of the box. As with padding and border, it can be specified to a certain side (ex. margin-let:2px;margin-right:4px).

In most cases, there isn't a specific order that code has to go in. Border can go after background, padding can go first, etc. The " " indicates where the code starts and finishes.

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