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Revision as of 17:42, 9 March 2008 by Jachel (talk | contribs)
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Jachel is an Urban Dead user, primarily survivor, however does play a corpse, and will get into Roleplay when he feels its right.


Reyn Kale is a local firefighter in Malton who worked at the Bassence Row Fire Station when the zombie outbreak broke out. After working on the increasing lootings and fires, Reyn was separated from his group in a NecroTech building after the roof collapsed, trapping him inside a contaminated radioactive area. To help him with this problem, Reyn was able to clean off many rags and wound them across his face, arms, hands, and feet to help save off radioactive disfigurement, he made sure to keep the rags wound loose enough for easy movement and added two eye spots for easy viewing. He stayed in there for 2 weeks, eating all the food he could scavenge, before he was freed by one of the scouts in the area. Reyn has since never taken off the rags, part in due to the fact he has no need to, and also because he forgot what he looked like before the incident. Reyn has since learned how to build a proper barricade and can jump from building to building.


R - Hand to Hand Specialist.gifR - Engineer.gif R - Recon Specialist.gif


"Reyn" is a nickname I was given in school, part in due to the fact my name was "Reynolds".

Other Info Reyn's Diary, the rants of a mad man.