St. Hubertus's Hospital

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St. Hubertus's Hospital

Kinch Heights [43, 87]

Hendrich Towers the Eden Museum Tulk Grove
Pitman Grove St. Hubertus's Hospital Newbury Street
McNally Crescent School Gane Square Haine Auto Repair

Basic Info:

  • Excellent place to find first aid kits. Zombies frequently check inside.
  • Portable Generators have a use other than powering the lights and increasing search probability in hospitals. Players with the Surgery Skill can heal for 15 HP if the Hospital has a fueled up Generator.
  • Hospitals can be barricaded normally.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Hospitals:
    • "...its wards and corridors blackened with the soot of a recent fire"
    • "...its empty wards criss-crossed with snapped quarantine tape."
    • " of the city's psychiatric hospitals."
    • "...dark corridors leading through abandoned wards."
    • "...its emergency room in disarray."
    • "...its lobby covered with quarantine posters."
    • "...a children's hospital with bright murals across the walls. "
    • "The main lobby is riddled with bullet holes."
    • "It was one of the last to be evacuated, and seems to have been cleared out in a hurry."
    • "...a derelict hospital that was closed down years ago."

St. Hubertus's Hospital



Barricade Policy

Current Status

  • Door are secure and shut tight don't know how long it is going to keep the smart ones away. It appears safe now but do not trust it through the night until it is properly barricaded. All looking for a safer place head to St. Aloysius's Church it is very strong barricaded. -- Doctor Ochoa (Unionjack) 14 June 2008
  • Heavily barricaded and full of survivors. I was healed by a medic on staff and stayed for two days without sustaining damage. This hospital is doing very well and is a great place for the wounded to stay. --SombraBlade 00:17, 6 March 2008 (UTC)

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