User talk:Bisfan

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Revision as of 21:20, 29 June 2008 by Bisfan (talk | contribs)
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DA Discussion

Bisfan, I'll bring your comment about the RCDC up to the relevant folks on the Dulston Alliance forums and try to be back to you with a response shortly. On a secondary note, the PDA punished the offending player that you brought to our attention last time. I hope this reassures you, and will contact you with the results of our inquiry. Does this sound satisfactory? --Ottari NW DA PDA 20:49, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

It's all good, thanks. I'm not trying to be difficult, but as we said previously, we do see it a lot without doing anything about it because a lot of people don't seem to care. You guys do seem to care, and I appreciate that. I'm hoping you guys see the fact that I'm raising with you, rather than going straight to the zerg liste, as a sign of good faith rather than an attempt to be bitchy or persecute anyone. Similarly, if you have any issues with the MOB, feel free to raise them. -- Bisfan 21:38, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
It's all about fair play, right? :-) We're all in Malton together, so we might as well enjoy a level field between zombie and survivor alike. Thanks for having faith in the Dulston Alliance... we try to do right by everyone in our little corner of Malton.
Sorry if I sounded repetitive and annoying when you fellas were in Pescodside, I was just trying to draw some of your forces away from the Burchell Arms, since we were having such a hard time retaking it. Though, I did coordinate the original attack that reclaimed the Clewett NT facility. Been on the road since early January, working for Necrowatch around Dakerstown, Darvall Heights, and Ridleybank... Trust me, you guys are a lot more fun to fight and chat with than the crew from Extinction. :-) --Ottari NW DA PDA 22:08, 11 January 2008 (UTC)


Cookie.jpg A FREE COOKIE
The Grimch has given Bisfan a cookie for being a good sport

I still have no idea why you can't make submissions. I reset my about:config file so that I was using your registration code, and had no trouble "forging" submissions. That means that I'm sending the exact same data / passcode you would be, and it works fine, which leaves me even more confused. If the site works at all for you, then submissions also should. SIM Core Map.png Swiers 18:49, 29 June 2008 (BST)