
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 21:38, 13 August 2008 by N00bert (talk | contribs)
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Groups and Affiliations

Foxhoundlogo.jpg FOXHOUND
This user is a FOXHOUND member

DulstonAllianceAlly.jpg Dulston Alliance (Allied)
N00bert is a staunch supporter of the Dulston Alliance.

BAR Ally.jpg Burchell Arms Regulars (Allied)
N00bert supports the BAR, often literally.

Templates and policies and what not

Blackmore Bastard Brigade.JPG Blackmore Bastard
This user or group proudly wears the badge of the Blackmore Bastard Brigade.

8/18/06 - 10/13/06, 11/5/06 -

Survivor giddings stand.jpg Battle of Giddings
This user or group was among the living that fought honorably against the Big Bash 2 in the one month long Battle of Giddings.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Can I get a witness? Yes.
Syringe.jpg Scientist
This user is a Scientist and is probably off reviving someone.
The v.jpg Remember the 5th of November
This user or group supports the vendetta against the undead of Ridleybank.
Pizza.gif Pizza!
This user loves pizza and eats it every chance they get.
Count123.png Will you please?
This user is barely old enough to use the potty by themselves, much less edit the wiki coherently.
Force.gif USE THE FORCE!
This user only uses their powers for good,
and for tipping over small babies.

*No small babies were harmed in the making of this template*

Cute-sign.jpg What's that thing?
This user loves showing off their junk, and coercing others to do the same.
JohnnyEnglish.jpg Secret Agent
This user knows no fear, knows no danger, knows nothing
Propaganda Drop.jpg Propaganda
This page contains a heavy load of propaganda. The information stated here might be the truth, might be somewhat similar to the truth, or might be an all out lie. The reader is warned to keep this in mind when reading the matters below.

64px-PD-icon.svg.png Anti-Copyright User
This user hates copyrights.
Shotgun.jpg Right to bear arms
This user supports the Second Amendment.
Dawn zomb2.jpg Dont do it.
Dont try to kill every zombie, you wont win.
Bill&ted05.jpg LOLWUT?
no, seriusly. wut? reelly, WUT? OMG WTF IZ iT?! orly?! lololololmaozedong

My Urban Dead Names

Contact me

  • E-mail:
  • MSN:
  • AIM: MeasureofZero