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Starting Occupation: Firefighter
Group Membership: The Fortress
Goals: Survive!
Username: Ruinator
More details: Urban Dead profile

September 20, 2007

A rotting corpse was brought back to life after a long dirtnap.

October 7, 2007

I was recruited by Jensonson to join the Fortress. I had just witnessed the fall of Fort Perryn and was sick of zombies. I happened into a building with a few survivors and was trying to organize some resistance. It was then that Jensonson directed me to the Fortress boot camp. I signed up and never looked back.

October 31, 2007

Bensonson, my Fortress Drill Sargeant awarded me the rank of Freedom Fighter and assigned me to Cold Cell under the command of Fortress Head Jensonson.

November 19, 2007

I was promoted to Engagement Squaddie.

December 2, 2007

Promoted to Deployment Soldier.

December 22, 2007

Promoted to Conflict Trooper and can begin earning Achievment Based Awards (ABA).

May 1, 2008

My friends – a horrible thing has transpired and I find that I must attend to it. There’s no easy way to tell you this, so I’ll have to start at the beginning.

It started yesterday. Not much was happening, so I went slummin’ down on Chalk Street over in Kempsterbank. I met a girl there – she was pale and a little stiff, but I dig Goth chicks so it’s cool.

We started talking, and by talking I mean we shared shots of whiskey and smoked cigars. Well I did at least. She couldn’t take her eyes off me – she followed me around for hours. Finally she cornered me and was all over me – scratching, clawing – it was shaping up to be a good night. I knew she didn’t want me just for my body either, she wanted me for my brains.

We headed back to the ruined building where I had stashed some of my supplies. She certainly seemed eager enough - even got a few bites in. They didn’t hurt too much; I’m used to that type of thing.

The bite marks she left on my arm started to turn green and I grew concerned. I felt for her pulse but didn’t find one. Looks like my girlfriend was just a Living Dead Girl after all. I couldn’t bring myself to give her a headshot… so I just left her there and made my way back to my quarters.

The whiskey flowed, drowning my loneliness. Consciousness faded and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up this morning feeling like I was on the wrong side of living. Fortunately I still had a pulse and managed to down the last bit of sober-juice in the bottle next to my bed. There was only just a gulp left, but it was enough to open my eyes. I roused myself from bed and caught the glint of sunlight reflecting off of metal outside my window. I turned my head and only caught a glimpse of white fabric. That glimpse was enough.

The blood drained my head, my soul filled with dread. I knew this day would come, but nevertheless I felt unprepared. I quickly looked around – nothing seemed disturbed or missing – at first. It wasn’t until I reached inside my flak jacket to grab a nip from my flask did I realize it was gone.

Frantically I searched, but it was for naught. All of it was gone. My flask was gone. The case I had so carefully hidden - all if it. Every last drop. My worst fear had come true - HE HAD STOLEN ALL OF MY WHISKEY!

He’s gone too far, but he’ll go no further! I will find the one that did this – the Man in White!

I must take my leave from active duty in Cold Cell and avenge this affront against my honor – and save my beloved whiskey. It’s a task that I must do on my own. I will return some day – hopefully a whole man once again.

I will report back in with updates on my quest to find the evil one that did this to me.

The Search, Day 1:

After gathering my supplies and steeling myself for the difficult task ahead, I made my way outside to pick up the trail of the Man in White. The signs pointed South. Wasting little time I made way down to Buttonville.

I have little to no information about his current whereabouts or current associates. I’ll have to find those in power – the ones that control the flow of information. I’m going to find the RRF.

Update: I found Distinguished, a high-ranking member of the Ridleybank Resistance Front. My interrogation got a bit rough and in the end even his undead body could no longer take the strain of my… questions. Fortunately, before he expired, he gave me the name of someone that should have the information I seek. I will pay him a visit tomorrow.

May 2, 2008

The Search, Day 2:

Distinguished did not disappoint - I found the source right where he said I would, St. Dionysius’s Church. I kicked in the doors to find a staggering 21 zombies. I proclaimed, “I’m here for globule13. Everyone else, if you wish to continue your undead existance I suggest you clear out before we see how many of you bastards I can kill before you get me.”

They didn’t even bother using the door I came in – most of them opting instead to jump out of windows, or flee through the back door. Globy himself even made a break for it, but I caught up with him outside.

It came down to just him and me. Oh, and my flare gun.

Crispy Critter

He, too, disagreed with my interrogation methods. Once again, before burning to a crispy-fry, he gave me the information I sought. He himself claimed to have seen the man I seek and gave me a location but couldn't tell me the name he's currently calling himself.

May 3, 2008

The Search, Day 3:

The information Globule13 gave up before I fried him was troubling indeed. It indicated that I will face a long and difficult journey requiring many specialized pieces of equipment.

I spent the day procuring supplies at Woodrofffe Mall and local resource buildings. I fear that I may not survive the tests and trials ahead. I also know that I have no choice – I must face this menace. But first I must find him.

Oh, I think back to those days, years ago, when the Man in White and I were brothers-in-arms. Holding back the zombie horde in the early days of the outbreak. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time – neither one prepared by ourselves. The only way to survive was to count on each other.

I gave him my name and he gave me his as ‘Tomisaburo.’ He was of Asian descent, athletic build, and hard eyes. I could tell that he had seen his fair share of combat prior to the zombies infested my adoptive city. There wasn’t much time for chit-chat, but one night over shots of whiskey he told me some of his story.

He was in Malton serving as a bodyguard. Perhaps out of shame, he would not tell me who he was hired to protect or what had happened to them. He didn’t need to, as I’m sure they’d perished horribly. He was obviously a capable bodyguard – some of the moves I saw him use on zombies could only have been done by a fully-trained Ninja.

We made a pact that night – the past was gone – we must start fresh. This was our Day Zero. He became the Man in White and I became the Ruinator. We spent our days helping those we could and dishing out head-shots those we couldn’t.

It was weeks before I found out the truth… but perhaps you’re not ready to know that. It’s a story I must save for another day. Now I must get my rest before I set out on my journey tomorrow.

May 4, 2008

The Search, Day 4:

I staked out the location given to me by Globule13. It was our very own Fortress Four – yes, Carder Row School! I laid in wait for hours – seeing no activity. Finally I made my move and carefully infiltrated the building.


There was no one and no thing in the building. I nearly despaired, but happened upon a scrap of black fabric – as if torn from a priest’s robe. Inside was a name…

The Man in White knew that I would find this. He’s leading me to a destination – most likely a trap. You know what I do when it looks like I’m heading into a trap – RUSH IN AT FULL SPEED WITH GUNS DRAWN!

May 6, 2008

The Search, Day 5:

My reporting from yesterday was blocked by the dastardly plots of the Man in White. I must be more vigilant in keeping my notes!

Yesterday I headed into Wray Heights, I’d find the next clue at a church there. I approached the once-beautiful building which has since fallen into disrepair since the outbreak. I saw a tag on the building left by ‘Conda members Tommy Crowbar and Miss Elainious – it brightened my spirits some and I even left my own light-hearted tag in response:


Back to the matter at hand, I carefully entered church and looked over the pews and hymnals scattered about the room. Scavengers have been all over this place multiple times. Looking for a clue, my eyes fell on the confessional booth. That would be the place where he’d put a clue for me. He doubtless feels that I have something I must confess.

I draw my pistol and slowly open the door to the small booth. As soon as light fell on those lifeless eyes I assumed the worst and prepared to fire. It was only once I took a good look that instead of a zombie it was only a head. I was about to leave it when I noticed the small chain hanging from its mouth. I carefully reached over and pulled out a set of dog tags – from Fort Perryn.

The Man in White has got some serious problems – and it’s about to get worse for him as soon as I show up!

The Search, Day 6:

The journey down to Fort Perryn was uneventful and quick. I encountered very few roamers in the street and a quite a few healthy survivors. This area must be seeing a period of relative calm. While normally this would be reason to rejoice, my heart is still heavy from the task I face ahead.

The gatehouse at Fort Perryn was heavily barricaded. While I was happy to see the fort in survivor hands, it pains me to see that some players over-barricade. I pulled out Betsy, my trusty crow-bar and went to work. I brought down the 'cades to very-strongly barricaded and rushed in. I made my way past hundreds of huddled refugees. I admit to a certain amount of disappointment in these people – all safe and secure in here while the rest of us put our lives on the line outside.

I made my way to the Armory. I looked around, past the few stalwarts looking for shells and clips, trying to find the next piece in the puzzle that was being left for me.

The search was taking too much time and I was about to give up on the armory when I almost stepped in it:


That symbol was tattooed on the Man in White’s forearm. This was the break I’ve been waiting for! As I’m sure you’re all aware, there’s only one place in Malton that will still do a custom printing job on a round block of Camembert Cheese – that’s right, the Hollomstown Cheese Factory!

May 7, 2008

The Search, Day 7:

The way to Hollomstown was as dangerous as was the trip to Whittenside safe. I was beset by ruined buildings and wandering horders of roamers. Through the lessons of Vigilance and Perservance I was able to survive the journey.

I found the Cheese Factory, but nearly passed over it as some over-zealous sign collector made off with the original factory signage. I corrected that for them by making a new sign:

Cheese Factory

The doors were left wide open and the building in ruins. I was there for only brief moments when a zombie trailed in after me. He silently moved up on me, but I was quick enough to only have gotten clawed once. Rather than waste the ammo on this slow-mover, I kept a good ten feet in front of him while I continued my search. To help past the time I would throw spit-wads at him to see if I could get them to stick. I ended up getting a fair number on him.

The day was drawing to a close so I made a camp for myself in the manager's office. There on the manager's desk was the clue that I sought - a series of maps and drawings - the most important of which is this one:


It shows some sort of route to the Krink's Power station. That is where I will strike out for next.

May 8, 2008

The Search, Day 8:

I gathered my things and made my way west. I found the streets littered with corpses – both dead and undead. I dare not stand in any one place too long, but rather must run for it. I figured that I’d find a suitable place to take a break, but no – I had to sprint across two suburbs before finding buildings that were even marginally in survivor hands.

I found a plain looking warehouse on the west side of Buttonville – and nearly collapsed outside from exhaustion. Barely able to stand, I managed to roll out my bunk and check in with the local that would stand watch for the night – for a fee.

May 9, 2008

The Search, Day 9:

I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for action. The local constables rifled through my pack during the night – as I expected – but they didn’t find much of use, just the few items that I knew would be enough for them to be satisfied and look no further. That’s just the price you pay when you’re on your own in this city.

I found the power station utterly ruined. I walked in through a gaping hold in the south facing wall of the large complex. I searched the ruined building, but the piles of debris and the few zombies roaming inside made it difficult. It took a bit of doing, but eventually I found a door leading to the basement. The door was rusted shut from exposure and looked as if it hadn’t been used in years – not since the outbreak at least. Betsy™, my trusty crowbar, and I pryed the door open. My flashlight showed a dark and dingy set of stairs, leading downward. I carefully followed the stairs down and saw some sort of underground railway system. One tunnel led off to the East, in the direction of the Cheese factory while a second tunnel led North. What an amazing discovery – underground tunnels in Malton! However, it quickly became clear that neither tunnel is at all useable since the ceilings have collapsed in both directions.

This was clearly the system of routes shown on the map fragement I found in the Cheese Factory. I wondered what it could have been used for when I spotted the small cargo car on the rails. It was loaded with crates of two sizes – none of them marked. I opened one and saw empty cannisters – hoping that they would contain whiskey – I opened one and sniffed. The foul smell almost made retch right there. It smelled vaguely like the revivification serum but far worse.

The other crates were quite large – big enough to house a coffin. I carefully pulled a lid off one of the large wooden crates - empty.

It’s days like this – when I turn up empty-handed – that make me miss my lost whiskey even more. OH THE HUMANITY!

In frustration I leave the underground cavern and head further west.

May 10, 2008

The Search, Day 10:

Taking a brief respite from my quest to find the Man in White, I went to see a movie at the Judd Cinema in New Arkham. Unfortunately, the ticket taker tried to take a bit out of my hand, but ended up with my boot to his cranium instead. Seeing the place ruined and devoid of power and therefore also absent of movies, I kicked open the doors and vented my rage on the zombies within. Several tried to flee – even in their undead state they knew to fear the Ruinator when he doesn’t have his whiskey!

Conan’s Lunch!

May 11, 2008

The Search, Day 11:

The only lead I have left is the fragment of the map I found over at the Cheese Factory. There was a line leading North from the power station. I’ll follow that line North – it has to be the right direction.

It’s been days since I last saw the Man in White. I wonder if I lost him or if he’s lost me. I must not let down my guard.

I stopped off in the Marven Mall and set up a recruiting kiosk while I prowled for deals at the local gun shop.

Join us!

May 12, 2008

The Search, Day 12:

It’s been 12 days since I’ve last had whiskey. In my sober-induced delerium I broke into a church and stole their communal wine.

Guzzle, guzzle

May 13, 2008

The Search, Day 13:

Still heading North, I stopped in Caiger Mall to see what all the hub-bub’s about.

Saying Something

May 14, 2008

The Search, Day 14:

I find that I’m losing the desire to move on – without whiskey, it’s just not worth it.


Continued on Next Page

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