Charlie Squad
Charlie Squad is currently in the process of being reformed. When finished, Charlie Squad will act as the heavy assualt squad for the Cannonball Crew. Charlie Squad will be the advance force to clear out heavily infested buildings, and keep them cleared out long enough for other squads to come and hold the building in seige situations.
Formed in the early days of the Cannonball Crew's existence, Charlie Squad was originally led by Freedom (aka Jack Freedom). When its squad leader went inactive, so did the squad.
It was revived shortly in 2007 when vito the don (of The Corleone Family fame) joined the Cannonball Crew. The squad was renamed the Corleone Squad while under his command, but vito the don and the mob have since retreated back into the shadows.
To join Charlie Squad, regester at [ and PM me (themonkeyman11) with your request to join the squad once you meet the requirements.
Prospective members must meet the requirements before being considered for the squad.
1: Members must have all firearms skills
2: Members must be a part of the Loose Cannons