Fort Perryn Defense Force

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Cannonball Crew

Main Page

Fort Perryn Defense Force

FPDF Commander


1st Lieutenant
Silat Warrior

Command Staff

2nd Lieutenant
Doc Octave

Chief Medical Officer
Harvey Blinkman

Contact Us





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Shortly after the August 14, 2007 game update that allowed dead bodies to be dragged out of a fort -- a change that greatly improved the viability of both of Malton's forts -- the Cannonball Crew decided to create a permanent garrison at Fort Perryn made up of alts. The Fort Perryn Defense Force founded by Sgt Forde was an existing independent group in the area. The two groups partnered in successfully retaking Fort Perryn, and because they had similar objectives, the Cannonball Crew and the Fort Perryn Defense Force got into talks and decided to join forces. As of October 2010 the FPDF and Cannonball Crew decided to go seperate ways. With Fort Perryn Defense Force becoming it's own group and CC joining Skynet Defence Network.


Team Xtreme, led by First Lieutenant Josh Clark, is a group of professional bounty hunters that specialize in teamwork and coordinated strikes.

Pimp Legion of Doom (PLD) was an elite fighting force with attitude originally led by Sergeant First Class Sacrenough. Retired in August 2008.


December 15th 2011

The fort has fallen to the combined weight of the Feral Undead, the Ridleybank Resistance Front, and their death cultist group, the Gore Corps. The FPDF withdrew from the fort to regroup, rearm, and plan future operations. Meanwhile, the ACC, Knights Templars, and other survivor groups who helped in the defense of the fort have returned to their suburbs.

December 12th 2011

A massive attack by the zombies broke through the Gatehouse and killed most members of the FPDF. 22 zombies managed to establish a foothold inside the fort. Zombified FPDF members quickly stood and began zking the zombies inside the fort. But the defenders rallied and the attacking zombies were repelled - heads were shot and corpses dumped. Zombified survivors and FPDF members were quickly revived and after two hours of intense battle, the gatehouse was once again securely in survivor hands.

December 5th 2011

In a joint operation, the Fort Perryn Defense Force, Army Control Corps, and Knights Templar, conducted a counterattack which drove the zombie defenders from the fort. Fort Perryn is once again in survivor hands. Unlike the first attack on the fort which saw survivor groups being thrown piecemeal into the fray, this operation was organized by three survivor groups and with the influx of reinforcements from other groups along with the arrival of several random survivors, the fort will stand strong against the expected zombie response.

November 21st 2011

The fort, under heavy attacks from 45+ zombies, has now officially fallen. Survivors retreated from the fort and took refuge in the surrounding buildings. Fallen defenders are being revived and ammo are being stored and collected as plans for a concerted and swift counterattack on the fort is already underway.

November 18th 2011

In a magnificent string of counterattacks, survivors managed to retake the Armory and Gatehouse from the Feral Undead. But zombie numbers inside the fort still greatly outnumbers that of the survivors.

November 17th 2011

The Gatehouse and the Armory is now officially lost, but the rest of the fort still holds. Around 30-35 zombies are now inside the fort.

November 16th 2011

The Feral Undead counterattacked and managed to strike a devastating blow on the heavily outnumbered defenders. Despite the limited reinforcements from elements of the Army Control Corps and the Knights Templar, the zombies managed to hold a beachhead on the Gatehouse with 6 zombies. The survivors conducted a fighting withdrawal to the Armory and the Infirmary with the Armory, in particular, coming under heavy attacks from 18 zombies.

November 13th 2011

The Fort Perryn Defense Force conducted a blitzkrieg operation which ended with Fort Perryn firmly in survivor hands. The FPDF, with the help of several individual survivors (particularly Groovie, which cleared and caded the Infirmary) secured the rest of the fort and effectively routed the zombie defenders, which at that time, outnumbered the attacking force.

July 29th 2011

The Cannonball Crew has returned as its own entity, seperate from skynet. The Fort Perryn Defense Froce and the Cannonball Crew have merged into one unit and will adopting a new name.

June 8th 2011

In an epic round of promotions Captain Piccon promotes Dominica Bekker to Second Lieutenant and Pvt Stanley (user not rank) to Master Sergeant forming a new command staff. The FPDF will be reforming themselves and creating some new plans and policies to strengthen the unit as a whole to push the Dead out of their suburb.

November 13th 2010

The epic battle for Whittenside continues. Despite /Zom/'s heroic attempts to recapture the fort, zombie numbers are too high to maintain any form of effective defense. however, the battle for the 'burb is intense and even, neither side gaining true dominance! FPDF recieving invaluable help from the esteemed Albert Schwan with the gallant 'D.S. R&D'. Also /Zom/ & Wulves members valiantly helping our cause. A true pleasure to work with both groups (And any others who are not mentioned here). --PvtStanley 23:09, 13 November 2010 (GMT)

August 20th 2010

Fort Perryn fell to zombie hands again as FPDF fell back into the Infirmary, and later, out of Perryn itself.

August 18th 2010

FPDF recaptured fort perryn in a join assault with elements of The Fortress. Fort was secured but sustaining heavy attacks from a growing mob of zombies.

January 25th 2010

Dominica Bekker reporting: Fort Peryn is in Human hands with help from the Army Control Corps, The Fortress, Squadron 1111 (?), Malton Defenders, and other assorted humans. Free Beer courtesy of my own stash in the Fort.

July 31 2009

The Fort Perryn Defense Force announces Dominica Bekker as its new Squad Commander.
For my first report: Survivors located inside the fort, along with half a dozen zeds. Free beer to all fort defenders. --Dominica Bekker

June 1 2008

After falling to the combined weight of The Dead and the Feral Undead in early May, Fort Perryn was recaptured today in a joint strike by members of The Fortress, the Creedy Defense Force and of course the FPDF. The fort buildings were all cleared, repaired and 'caded -- and the power was back on -- less then 20 minutes after the start of the strike, in which as many as 20-25 people participated making it one of the largest (and most successful) real-time operations in the FPDF's history.
The gatehouse barricades will now be kept at EHB for two days in accordance with the fort's baricade policy, to prevent a recurrence of last week's strike in which the fort was quickly overrun by undead in the subsequent counter-attack.
Survivors wishing to enter the fort and help with the defense should note that the gatehouse barricades will be lowered to VSB again on Wednesdays and Sundays (GMT).

May 7 2008

After a month of safety, the fort is finally facing a serious challenge in the form a large horde sweeping through Whittenside and destroying the surrounding resource buildings. The FPDF will continue to run revives in Whittenside as per our current policies and will establish a safehouse outside the fort for any revived survivors requiring first-aid or waiting to re-enter the fort during a VSB entry window. Check back here for details shortly.

April 20 2008

Our third 'open day' is just ending and the new VSB / EHB barricading policy seems to be working well. There is still some over-barricading at the gatehouse during the designated entry/exit windows, but overall reinforcements (and revived defenders) are making their way in and the gatehouse population now stands at 130+ survivors. Break-ins and PKs so far have been fairly rare, even on VSB days. Kudos to the (many) pro-survivor players who are helping to make the new policy a success, and keeping the fort safe.

April 13 2008

Our first 'open day' with VSB 'cades at the gatehouse passed today with relatively little incident. Survivor numbers inside the gatehouse have increased from 60+ to 70+ as new reinforcements arrived, (and revived defenders returned). A handful of small zombie break-ins were dealt with fairly quickly by survivors. Gatehouse barricades will now be kept at EHB again until 00:00 GMT Wednesday. Zombies outside the gatehouse still number only about 30 or so.

April 12 2008

Our first designated entry/exit day, since the new EHB policy was implemented, begins at 00:00 GMT tonight (Saturday night/Sunday morning). Gatehouse cades will be kept at VSB for 24 hours for any survivors wishing to enter or leave.
For those remaining inside, expect an influx of PKers, GKers along with the zombie break-ins.
Remember: infected or critically injured should head to the infirmary; everyone else stay in the gatehouse. If you are killed, head to the revive points at Wooley Grove or the Malcolm NT cemetery (see map) and request a revive.
Good luck!

April 10 2008

The proposed new EHB 'cading policy is now in effect. Designated VSB entry/exit days are Wednesdays and Sundays. All other times, the gatehouse will be kept at EHB. Armory must remain at VSB.
Please check out our Fort policies and guidelines for more details, or post on our discussion page with any comments or feedback.
Hold the barricades and the fort will hold!

April 9 2008

Gatehouse cades are now at VSB but may be raised to EHB very shortly, as a trial run for the new barricading proposal below (and due to the current zombie activity outside). Feedback welcomed - please visit the Fort Perryn discussion page to comment.

April 7 2008

The gatehouse has been repaired and is back in survivor hands for now. Currently as VSB.
Note that the FPDF / Cannonball Crew is not responsible for the recent instances of HB-EHB 'cades in the gatehouse. Although we have submitted a proposal to the Fort Perryn Discussion page to keep the gatehouse 'cades at EH and having set times for entry, this has not yet been agreed or put into practice. Interested parties, please visit the above discussion page to comment. In the meantime, FPDF barricade policy for the Fort Perryn Gatehouse remains at VSB. --Mad Dog Munro 05:55, 7 April 2008 (BST)

April 2 2008

After dispensing more than a dozen revives in the last few days, and helping with the rebuilding effort, Whittenside is back on the up and the FPDF is preparing for it's next op. New recuits are cordially invited to join. Check the latest mission thread on our forum for details. --Mad Dog Munro 05:30, 3 April 2008 (BST)

March 6 2008

The strike is now underway. With help from the CDF and other local survivor groups, the gatehouse is back at VSB+2, the infirmary and armory are now both secured and powered, and there's a small heap of bodies outside the gatehouse.
Now we need more surivors to move back in to finish clearing the rest of the shamblers and help to hold the gatehouse. There's already a mob of undead forming just outside, and it promises to be a good fight. Come and join in! --Mad Dog Munro 23:41, 6 March 2008 (UTC)

March 5 2008

Tomorrow's joint strike will start at 9.30pm GMT / 4.30 pm US Eastern - i.e. 18 hours from now. To take part, just head over to Fort Perryn at this time or as soon as possible afterwards, and start by hitting the gatehouse, infirmary, armoury and SW storehouse. Clear out any zeds (dump outside the gatehouse), repair, cade and power. If you are killed, go to the cemetery 1W of the Malcolm NT building and post a request on the DEM website. The x,y co-ordinates for the cemetery are 87,90. Good luck and have fun! --Mad Dog Munro 03:04, 6 March 2008 (UTC)

March 4 2008

Calling all survivors! Fort Perryn strike is now confirmed for this Thursday (6 March 2008). Come and join the FPDF and its allies in a joint strike to reclaim the fort for the survivors. Exact strike time will be made public here on the day, or sign up with the FPDF and register on our forum for full details and fight alongside one of Malton's historic survivor groups. All survivors welcome. Come and get a piece of the action! --Mad Dog Munro 03:41, 5 March 2008 (UTC)

March 2 2008

Public strike time for liberating Fort Perryn will be announced here in the next few days. Hope you've been stocking up, move into position and get ready for some good action! --Mad Dog Munro 02:37, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

February 28 2008

As Fort Perryn is currently ruined and under zombie control, the FPDF and its allies will shortly be launching a co-ordinated strike to retake Fort Perryn for the survivors. To participate, or to help garrison the fort after the strike, please visit our forum and sign up (registration required) in the Fort Perryn Roll Call thread or check back here for updates. --Mad Dog Munro 06:44, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

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