PK Reporting

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Sick and tired of being PKed!? Your a pussy. Do you find it distressing to log in and discover you have been killed, not by a zombie, but by another player? Grow a pair. Want to see the bastards brought to justice? Report them! After all, with the increased AP cost to revive people and long lines at Revivification Points, wouldn't it be better to have them looking for a revive than you? YOU FILTHY JEWIS BASTARD.

While many groups in Malton maintain their own lists, most players will want to report a PKer to the largest possible audience. For this, register them on one of the general PKer lists.

General PKer Lists


Brainstock's PK reporting forum is the source of reports available through the Rogues Gallery, a full featured tool for viewing the PKer database, reviewing PK reports and downloading a UD Tool list of PKers on demand. Collected bounties should be reported to the Bounty thread. PKer sightings should be reported to the PKer sightings thread.

Bounties are assigned at an increasing rate for repeat PKers, in hopes of providing a stronger deterrent for serial PKers while not overly penalizing those who may not have initially known better. The moderators will update the database from confirmed reports in those threads. The database is also tied in to the DEM Revivification Requests tool, so informed revivers can avoid bringing PKers back to life to kill again. See the Rogues Gallery for datails.

  • Please note that while members of the DEM were the creators and first moderators of the Brainstock PK list, the Brainstock PK reporting forum is an independent entity run by its own set of moderators. The DEM Council does not direct PK/bounty reporting policy.


The PKer list moderated by Token Black Man, formerly located on

Don't Revive at Random

When a bounty on a PKer is claimed, they will need to go get themselves revived just like any other survivor. Don't make it easier on them! If you revive a zombie without first checking their profile and looking them up on a PKer list, you may just be reviving a PKer.

History & Controversy

There is no official Urban Dead PKer list - PKing isn't even officially an in-game concept but is rather a meta-gaming concern among players. PKer lists have been around for a long time, and have frequently been a topic of much controversy. Read the history and disclaimer sections of the PKer page for background, and check out all the available lists.

Group run PKer lists

If your group runs a PKer list that is available to the general public, please provide a link to it here.

Blackhawk Nation - (Vinetown area)

Ackland Mall Security: Security List - AMS Security List

Burchell Arms Regulars, The - "Deadbeat" List

Dulston Alliance - The Black List

Dunell Hills Police Department - DHPD Most Wanted