Oatley Bank

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Oatley Bank

Dulston [97,6]

Woodborn Avenue wasteland Newnam Avenue
Marsh Avenue Oatley Bank Rayfield Lane
a carpark a junkyard Hinge Drive

Basic Info:

  • All banks were emptied or looted prior to evacuation. Tagging a bank earns 1 XP.
  • Banks are Dark buildings.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Banks:
    • "The vault lies open, its contents either looted or transferred."
  • Banks can be barricaded normally.


Oatley Bank is an old bank located in the suburb of Dulston. The bank was named, strangely enough, after convict clockmaker James Oatley. In early 1917 Mr.Oatley was paid the sum of 75 dollars to build a clock for the new MacKlin Park tower. The clock was constructed and built into the tower between 1917 and 1919.

Oatley Bank, on the corner of Marsh & Woodborn Avenue

After James was pardoned, in no small part due to his public work on the clock tower, he worked as a watchmaker on Marsh Avenue, opposite to the Dulston Theater although this landmark building was later torn down in 1934 to put in a far less prestigious (but more profitable) carpark. In later years James' third son, Frederick, took over the now successful family business and when James passed away in 1939 the business only continued to grow as demand for the quality watches and time pieces grew throughout northeast Malton. The profits from the business were in turn invested with Oatley’s second son James Jr., who started up a small bank named after their father. To this day the Oatley Bank stands as a testament to success.


Survivors seeking refuge in this bank may seek assistance and protection from nearby buildings, such as:

Ok hoes, this hood, Not protectable, So just dont go there

Current Events

May 18th, 2008 - Everybody is dead, so don't come here!!!!