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Junkyard Bandits
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Having effectively disbanded several months earlier, survivors in Malton assumed the Junkyard Bandits were no threat to their "safehouses".
They were wrong.
The Junkyard Bandits have been noted in several taggings around Caiger Mall. While it may seem like a far cry from terrorizing fairly tame suburbs, it should be apparent that their experience with making barricades out of shotguns and door knobs, as well as their proficiency in operating radios before punching them into disrepair could be quite unsettling to the average resident. Disgression is advised.
Notable Bandits
File:MV5BMTMxNjQ2NjA0NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjQ4NzU3. V1. SX500 SY212 .jpg