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Revision as of 05:13, 21 October 2008 by Bobafan (talk | contribs)
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Abbreviation: Legion
Group Numbers:
Goals: Retake Malton from the Undead Scourge
Recruitment Policy:

People of Malton, the deity you know of Kevan has deserted you and chosen the undead menace to ride to victory. Those of you who refuse to succumb to the will of the undead, hear me out: We can win. The hordes of Malton are limited by intelligence, poor weapondry, and a lack of hiding places. Their sole strength is their near-immortality, due to the Ankle Grab and the lack of a need for revives. I say we strike, not as individual groups, but as a horde. Not a bash, or a party, but as an army. ALL survivors, noob, pro, pansy, or psycho, must gather and speak. We must do as the undead do: focus on one goal at a time, take it, and move on. No more of these week-long sieges where we separate, hoping that everything will work out. NOW is the time for true action. We will gather as the one who are many: Legion. And as one, we will strike one suburb at a time, take everything we can and leave naught but repaired barricades in our wake. This can be done. If a small group of 15 can retake a mall in a half hour, then an army of 150 can retake a suburb in minutes. And there are thousands of survivors. If we struck as one, No longer would the undead hordes rule, with the ferals nipping at their heels. We must gather to destroy our common enemy, and show them that WE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!!!!!!

This is not an individual group, this is a collection of EVERY SINGLE SURVIVOR in the world of Urban Dead.

This is not a temporary gathering like the Big Bash, but a permanent alliance between every group united by the desire to take back Malton from the undead. There have been attempts at this such as the 5th of November, however like most sieges that failed, there were not enough dedicated survivors, and there was a lack of coordination.

Legion intends to recify this by gathering every survivor together and performing massive amounts of coordinated strikes that will annihalate the undead from a suburb and reclaim it for humanity in less than 30 minutes.

The only way to counter the zombie menace is with a unified human army. I am not asking everyone to abandon their groups to join, I am asking that all groups work together in order to survive, for as long as it takes to rebalance the game.

So I ask again, from every level 1 n00bs to level 41 vets, will you join your fellow survivors in one great effort to prove to the undead that WE WILL NOT FALL!!! --Wesker of Umbrella 06:24, 6 March 2008 (UTC)