User:Amber Waves of Pain

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My name is Amber.

I'm 28 years old, Australian and currently studying Multimedia.

Nogod.jpg Atheist
This user is an atheist.
Female.jpeg Female
This user is female.

I'm also a Subgenius and a Discordian saint.

I've been playing Urban Dead (properly) for a little over 8 months. It's my first MMPORPG experience. Friends tried to seduce me into Second Life, but I'm quite happy with my first life, thank you very much. I did however sign up to Nexus War but only sporatically played it. I was only recently convinced to start levelling by rather persuasive zombie from the Militant Order of Barhah.

I particularly enjoy the low-fi aspect of Urban Dead. It's not like I'm a luddite, as I also enjoy several other games with rather spiffy graphics and engines. But Urban Dead is pretty much available to everyone with a connection and a browser. Since connection speeds are not quite up to par in Australia, I'm snubbing other MMPORPGs until either we get faster speeds, or these games become less Americocentric.

When I first started playing Urban Dead, I was rather adamantly pro-survivor. But gradually I've come to realize that the term "pro-survivor" is really just "pro-how I want things to happen." In this respect, I totally support things like PKing, Fundamentalist Zombie groups, as well as Dual Naturists and even Death Culting to a certain extent. After all, this is a game, and games are meant to be fun. Where is the fun in getting eaten without a word? What's fun in shambling around for days looking for a needle because you've spawned in the North West? Most survivors tend to come off as anal retentive, mean spirited, twats with nothing better to do than ruin a zombie's day by headshotting him/her at a revive point or making ridiculous suggestions about perma-death on the wiki. Most survivors want to "win," by killing all zombies without ever having to use a syringe. Some zombies are the same way, but they're usually more realistic. I don't claim to be pro-zombie or pro-survivor. I'm pro-fun. I don't have to choose a side.

I embrace BARHAH with all my characters and I'd like to think that even my survivors are testaments to the fact that survivors can have BARHAH and still stand up for humanity. If you don't get BARHAH, you probably should join the Militant Order of Barhah and ask some of the elders.


My first character, Saint Gambi, was created and abandoned in 2007. I remembered her password only recently and have been playing her on and off for a couple months.




These are places I tend to frequent more than the UD wiki.

My PKer's Journal


My Myspace

Vandalism.gif IT NEVER ENDS!
This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki.


I tend to take a lot onto my plate. Currently, as far as UD goes:

  • I have 3 unfinished flash animation projects, 1 of which I've barely started.
  • I'm having too much fun killing idiots

These are my excuses for not decorating my user space with pretty sparkly things and I'm sticking to them.

To Do

  1. Kill all humans.
  2. Make my alts pages look pretty.
  3. Kill Grimch and usurp the throne.

Pretty Stuff

Pinkhair1.jpg CRAZY HAIR
This user has dyed their hair Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, and pretty Fire-engine Red.