Dirty Nor'easters

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Revision as of 10:27, 2 January 2009 by Linkthewindow (talk | contribs) (Inactive Mar 2008)
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Clock.png Inactive Group
Dirty Nor'easters are no longer active. Its group page is preserved for archival purposes. Please do not edit this page. This group was reported inactive on 10:27, 2 January 2009 (UTC) Not Inactive?

Group Listed on the Stats Page.

Dirty Nor'easters
N632865914 65176 1991.jpg
Abbreviation: WNYAL-DNers
Group Numbers: 12
Leadership: No Leader
Goals: Pro-Survivor/Reclamation
Recruitment Policy: Open Recruitment (helps to be a WNYAL forum member)
Contact: The Disco Bandit

A survivor group dedicated to reclaiming ruined suburbs and killing zeds. Originally based out of Williamsville.

Known Information

The Dirty Nor'Easters is a startup group, and as such is comprised of mostly lower level survivors.


Decisions are made by general consensus. If one survivor comes up with a good idea, others are free to follow their advice or not. Most decisions are simply deciding the next area to move to. All Discussion happens on the WNYAL forums.


Anyone can put Dirty Nor'Easters as their group affiliation, however the group was and is mainly based out of a regional airsoft forum. Joining without being familiar with most of the group members is not advised.


The group consists of two main types of players. Those specializing in zed killing and barricade building, and those specializing in reviving and healing. They are always looking for new players to fill either role.